The so-called four depression, namely Yu Liang,,; The six are,, Tan, Jian Zhi and Hui; Sanxie
Xie Shang, Xie Yi, Xie An; The eight kings are Wang Dao, Wang Shao, Wang Min, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Wang Que, Wang Pei, Wang Shu and others. In the ink of Sui Dynasty, a thousand words are true grass written by Zhi Yong. Zhiyong is the seventh grandson of the Southern Dynasties.
There is also a fruit of wisdom, which is also a master of the two kings. Very appreciated by Emperor Yang Di. Zhi Yong's "True Grass Thousand Characters" is rigorous in structure and exquisite in brushwork.
Yes, it's really round and quaint, and the grass is rich and even. Zhiguo Mo has Liang Wudi's calligraphy-worshipping post included in Daguan Post, which has a regular structure and questionable brushwork. In addition, the ink used for writing classics in Sui Dynasty also developed along the style of writing classics in Wei and Jin Dynasties, and it has entered the stage of Tang Kai, with a tight brushwork.
Dense, powerful, strong and beautiful style. Calligraphers in the early Tang Dynasty continued to follow the calligraphy style of the Sui Dynasty and traced back to the two kings, forming the calligraphy style of the Tang Dynasty. Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan and Ou Yangxun used regular script in the Tang Dynasty. Cursive scripts include Sun, Zhang Xu, Huai Su, He and Gao Xian. Calligraphers in the early Song Dynasty promoted Li Jianzhong, including Lin Bu, Fan Zhongyan, Wen Yanbo, Ouyang Xiu, Zhao Peng, Su Shunqin, Cai Xiang, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fei, Wang Anshi, Shen Liao, Zhang Wei, Cai Jing, Wang Shen and Zhao Wei. There were Zhao Mengtui, Zhenwu, Yang Weizhen, Lu and Ni Zan in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, there were Tang Yin, Chen Chun, Wang Chong, Zhou, Wen Peng, Wen Jia, Li, Wang Shizhen, Wang and Dong Qichang. In the Qing Dynasty, there were Weng Fanggang, Yao Nai, Guo Shangxian, Wu Rongguang, Qian Bozhong, Weng Tonghe, Wang Shu,, Hong, Huang Gaozi, Chen Huan, Mo Youzhi, Xiang Chengquan, Deng Chuanmi, Wu Rangzhi, Zhao Zhiqian, Hu Weifu and Xu Sangeng. (book abbreviated)