Once an artist devotes himself to his artistic work, he may forget all about eating and sleeping, be completely indifferent to external accidents, be isolated from the world, and make people feel crazy.
Artists are bold and dare to try all kinds of new things. Many people will boldly try the impossible, and it will also make people feel crazy.
Artists are very prone to extreme ideas, either the best or the worst, so they may have a bad temper. Many people don't like such people.
Artist (English: artist) refers to a person who creates artistic works, usually refers to a person who has achieved relatively high achievements in the fields of writing, painting, photography, performance, sculpture, music, calligraphy, dance and so on, thus having a certain aesthetic level.
It includes both those who take artistic creation as their special occupation in the fields of art and film and television, and those who engage in artistic creation outside their own occupation.
They are the creators of works of art originating from nature and mind.