Mr Lifu lost his father in his early years and went to Beijing with his mother. Because his family was poor, he dropped out of school for three years to work. When Wang Fuan, a famous seal engraver, lived in Beijing, he hired Dunton to pull a monthly car for him as a handyman. Mr Lifu is honest and diligent, and he is very popular with the Wangs. In his spare time, he secretly studied Wang's calligraphy and seal cutting.
After sweeping, I saw Yin Gao in a waste paper yard in Fu 'an, all of which were collected and cut into a large volume, which I read and scrutinized in my spare time. If so, Fuan hasn't checked for years. One day, Fuan carved a seal, which was of little significance. He is going to grind it off and carve it again. "Teacher," Lifu said, "this is a very good work, or it can be saved." Fuan was shocked and asked, "Do you also rule India?" Lifu then published the scrap manuscripts collected from Fu 'an Temple, and he always came to ask for benefits.
Deng Lifu's Personality Evaluation
Artistic achievements: Deng Lifu has made great achievements in calligraphy. His works are unique in style, exquisite in brushwork, smooth in lines and vivid in charm. His calligraphy works enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad and are widely collected and appreciated.
Innovative spirit: Deng Lifu has innovative spirit in calligraphy art. He not only inherits the essence of traditional calligraphy, but also absorbs the ideas and techniques of modern art, and combines tradition with modernity to form his own unique artistic style.
Cultural inheritance: Deng Lifu attached great importance to cultural inheritance, and he devoted himself to promoting China's traditional culture, especially the art of calligraphy. Through his own works and examples, he trained a group of outstanding calligraphers and made contributions to the inheritance and development of China's calligraphy art.
Moral cultivation: Deng Lifu also has a high moral cultivation. He is honest, modest and amiable, and is deeply respected and loved by people. His personality and artistic achievements complement each other and become a model for people to learn.