1, Smith
The tiger looked for all kinds of wild animals to eat them and caught a fox. The fox said, "You dare not eat me! God sent me to be the leader of wild animals, and now you have eaten me, which is against God's command. If you think my words are dishonest, I will walk in front of you, and you will follow me and watch all kinds of wild animals dare not run when they see me? " The tiger thought what the fox said was reasonable and followed. The beast saw them all run away. The tiger didn't know that the wild animals were afraid of themselves and ran away. They think they are afraid of foxes.
This is a well-known fable, which tells that the fox escaped from the tiger's mouth by his own intelligence. Later used to refer to bullying people by relying on their power. The cunning fox scares others in the forest with the tiger's prestige, but the cunning tactics can never make the fox change his weak nature. Once the trick is poked, it will not only be besieged by wild animals, but also swallowed by the deceived tiger. The extension shows that the bad guys who bully others can be arrogant for a while, but in the end they will never have a good end.