History of Tan Descendants
Some illegitimate children of Xiao Zhuzi went to Lu as doctors, and later generations were mostly doctors and scholars of Lu. Yan Hui, a cool descendant, worshipped Confucius as his teacher. Confucius praised his sage, and the world respected him as Yan Zi, and later named him Fu Sheng. Lu recorded Yan Hui as the 18th grandson of Yan You in Xiaxiang Lu. Archaeological discovery of Dongjiang River: Shuang Yan was buried in the left front of his father's grave, with two pots, one pot, four pots and two clay pots made by doctors. There is an inscription on the bronze pot: "Friends and fathers are cool, and Cao Bao's eyebrows are long and precious." According to the family story of Confucius, Confucius had seventy-two disciples, eight of whom were Yan. Yan Zhenqing, a great calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, said in the tablet of Yan's family temple: "All the Confucius doors are colorful and all come out." .