Inscription on a humble house
If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, if there is a dragon, it will be spiritual. This is a humble house, but I am virtuous. The upper steps of the moss marks are green, and the color of the grass is green. There are scholars who talk and laugh, but there are no idle people when coming and going. You can tune the plain Qin and read the Golden Sutra. There are no messy ears of silk and bamboo, and there is no laborious shape of case documents. Zhugelu in Nanyang, Yunting in Western Shuzi. Confucius said: "What's so bad about it?"
Translation: A mountain does not have to be high, as long as there are immortals, it will be famous. The water doesn’t have to be deep, as long as there is a dragon, it will be magical. Although this is a simple house, it doesn't feel simple anymore because of my good moral character. The green moss grows up to the steps, and the green grass is reflected in the curtains. Those who talk and laugh with me are learned people, and there is no one who is ignorant of learning among me. You can play the simple guqin and read precious Buddhist scriptures. There is no loud music to disturb the ears, and no official documents to tire the body and mind. It is like the thatched cottage of Zhuge Liang in Nanyang and the Xuanting of Yangziyun in Xishu. Confucius said: "What is so simple?"
Love Lotus said
The flowers of land and water, vegetation, are very lovely. Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty only loved chrysanthemums; since the Li and Tang Dynasties, the world has loved peonies; I only love the lotus that emerges from the mud but is not stained; Jingzhi can be viewed from a distance but cannot be played with. I say chrysanthemum, the flower that represents seclusion; peony, the flower that represents wealth and honor; lotus, the flower that represents the gentleman. Alas! The love of chrysanthemums is rarely heard of after Tao; the love of lotus, no one can give it to anyone; the love of peony is suitable for everyone.
Translation: There are many flowers of various plants and trees on the water and on the land that are worthy of love. Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty only loved chrysanthemums; since the Tang Dynasty, the world has loved peonies; I only love lotus flowers that grow from the mud but are not polluted, washed in clear water but do not look charming, and whose stems are empty inside and outside. Straight, not involved, not branchy, the fragrance spreads far, even more fragrant, standing there cleanly, you can watch it from a distance, but you can't play with it up close. I think the chrysanthemum is the hermit among flowers; the peony is the rich and noble among flowers; and the lotus is the gentleman among flowers. well! Tao Yuanming rarely heard of his love for chrysanthemums. Who else loves lotus like me? Of course, many people love peonies.