Because Wang Xizhi was narrow-minded and motivated, this was what he said angrily to Wang Shu at that time. Speaking of Wang Xizhi, everyone knows that he is a famous "scholar" who became famous as a young man. With his elegant calligraphy, his "Preface to the Lanting Collection" is still a priceless treasure. Unfortunately, it is missing. However, people after Wang Xizhi are more praised, but many people don't know that Wang Xizhi is very conceited.
Wang Xizhi became famous at a young age, so he has a sense of superiority. Because Wang Xizhi was born in a scholarly family, he naturally had the arrogance of a scholar. Moreover, when Wang Xizhi was thirteen years old, he was looked upon with special attention by Zhou Cuo, the Minister of Civil Affairs. Later, Wang Xizhi was recognized by many people for his talent and far-sighted political ability. In addition, Wang Xi's elegant appearance and good temperament made him a very famous young talent of that era.
Wang Shu initially had a bumpy official career and was an unknown junior, so he dismissed Wang Shu. When Wang Xizhi was high-spirited, Wang Shu had always been an unknown and insignificant figure. At that time, Wang Shu was even regarded as sick because he was taciturn. Therefore, Wang Xizhi looked down on Wang Shu from the bottom of his heart and felt that Wang Shu had no ability. Moreover, Wang Shu is indeed inferior to Wang Xizhi in terms of talent and background. It can be said that there is a huge difference.
However, Wang Shu accumulated a lot of experience and later became the same name as Wang Xizhi and ranked above Wang Xizhi. After three days of farewell, I should be impressed. Wang Shu is such a person. Although he is still a small person in his thirties, he gradually showed his talents and was reused later. So he suddenly became a person comparable to Wang Xizhi, and not only that, he later became Wang Xizhi's boss. Wang Xizhi looked down on him at first, but he didn't expect that one day he would be under his feet, so he was very angry, and later he vowed never to do anything for him. Official, in fact, it was just an angry word.