The original text of "Hou Chibi Ode":
It is the tenth month of the year, and I will return to Lingao after walking from the snow hall. The two guests followed me across the yellow mud slope. The frost and dew have fallen, all the leaves have fallen off, and the figures are on the ground. They look up at the bright moon, look at it and enjoy it, and sing in response to each other. He sighed and said: "There are guests but no wine, there is wine but no food, the moon is white and the wind is clear, what a good night it is!" The guest said: "Today at dusk, I lift the net to catch fish, with a big mouth and thin scales, like a perch in the Songjiang River. Gu An Did you get any wine? "Go back and seek help from your wives." The woman said, "I have a bucket of wine, which I have hid for a long time, just in case my son needs it from time to time." So she took the wine and fish and swam under the Red Cliff again. The river flows with sound, and the bank is broken for thousands of feet; the mountains are high and the moon is small, and the water falls and rocks are revealed. The sun and the moon were as old as before, but the mountains and rivers cannot be recognised. I took my clothes and climbed up, walking on the slanderous rocks, covered with velvet, perched on tigers and leopards, climbed on horned dragons, climbed on the dangerous nests of falcons, and looked down on Feng Yi's secluded palace.
The two guests cannot follow each other. Suddenly there was a long roar, the grass and trees shook, the mountains hummed and the valley responded, the wind blew and the water surged. I am also quiet and sad, solemn and frightened, so awe-inspiring that I can't stay. Instead, he boarded the boat, let it go into the middle of the current, and waited until it stopped. It was almost midnight, and everything was lonely. There is a lone crane coming across the river from the east. The wings are like wheels, and the silk clothes are black and white. They scream loudly and sweep towards the boat heading west.
After a while, the guest left, and I fell asleep. In the dream, a Taoist priest, with his feathers fluttering, passed by Lingao. He bowed to me and said, "Are you having fun at Red Cliff?" When asked his name, he bowed his head and did not answer. "Woohoo! Heehee! I know it. Those who flew past me at night in the past are not my sons, are they evil?" The Taoist priest smiled, and I was also shocked. Open an account and look at it, but you can't see it.
Hou Chibi Fu · Calligraphy Works
Original translation of "Hou Chibi Fu":
On October 15th of this year, I set out from Xuetang, Prepare to return to Lingaoting. Two guests followed me and walked through Huangni Ban. By this time the frost and dew had fallen, and all the leaves had fallen off. Our figures were reflected on the ground, and we looked up to see the bright moon hanging high in the sky. Looking around, I felt very happy; so as I walked, I sang songs and responded to each other. After a while, I sighed and said: "There are guests but no wine, and there is wine but no food. The moon is bright and the breeze is blowing. How can we spend such a beautiful night?" A guest said: "Tonight, I cast a net and caught a fish with a big mouth and thin scales, which looked like a fish from the Wusong River. But where can I get the wine?" I went home and discussed with my wife, who said, "I have a bucket of wine that I have kept for a long time. , in order to meet your sudden needs." Visit the bottom of Red Cliff again. The flowing water of the Yangtze River makes a sound, and the steep river banks stand tall and straight; the mountains are very high, the moon looks smaller, the water level drops, and the rocks are exposed. It’s only been a few days, but the river scenery and mountains I saw during my last trip are no longer recognizable! I lifted up my clothes and went ashore, walking on the steep rocks, pushing aside the tangled weeds, squatting on the strange rocks shaped like tigers and leopards, and occasionally pulling on branches shaped like horned dragons, climbing up the cliff where raptors nest, and looking down at the water god. Feng Yi's deep palace.
Neither of the two guests can follow me to this extremely high place. I roared loudly, the grass and trees were shaken, the mountains roared with me, the wind blew, and the waves surged. I also felt sad and sad, and I felt scared and held my breath silently. I felt that this place was scary and I couldn't stay for a long time. Go back to the boat, row it to the center of the river, let it drift wherever it goes, and anchor there. It was almost midnight, and when I looked around, I felt very deserted and lonely. There happened to be a crane flying across the river from the east. Its wings were as big as a wheel and the white feathers on its body were like white clothes. It screamed in a long and loud voice, passed our boat and flew west. The ship passed us and headed west.
After a while, the guests left and I went home to sleep. I dreamed that a Taoist priest, wearing clothes woven from feathers, walked under the Lingao Pavilion. He bowed to me and said, "Did you enjoy your visit to Red Cliff?" I asked him his name, but he lowered his head and did not answer. "Oh! Ouch! I know your details. Last night, the person who passed by me was flying and calling, wasn't you? The Taoist priest turned around and laughed, and I suddenly woke up. When I opened the door, I couldn't see him. Where.
Paintings of Hou Chibi Fu
Original phonetic version of "Hou Chibi Fu":
shì?suì?shí?yuè?zhī?wàng?, bù?zì?xuě?táng?, jiāng?guī?yú?lín?gāo? . èr?kè?cóng?yǔ?guò?huáng?ní?zhī?bǎn?.
shuāng?lù?jì?jiàng?, mù?yè?jìn?tuō?, ?rén?yǐng?zài?dì?, yǎng?jiàn?míng?yuè?, gù?ér?lè?zhī?, háng?gē? xiàng?dá?.
yǐ?ér?tàn?yuē?:“yǒu?kè?wú?jiǔ?, yǒu?jiǔ?wú?yáo?, yuè?bái?fēng?qīng?, rú?cǐ?liáng? yè?hé?! "kè?yuē?: "jīn?zhě?báo?mù?, jǔ?wǎng?dé?yú?, jù?kǒu?xì?lín?, zhuàng?rú?sōng?jiāng?zhī?lú ?.gù?ān?suǒ?dé?jiǔ?hū??”
fù?yuē?: "wǒ?yǒu?dòu?jiǔ?, cáng?zhī?jiǔ?yǐ?, yǐ?dài?zǐ?bú?shí?zhī?xū?." yú?shì ?xié?jiǔ?yǔ?yú?, fù?yóu?yú?chì?bì?zhī?xià?. jiāng?liú?yǒu?shēng?, duàn?àn?qiān?chǐ?; shān?gāo?yuè?xiǎo?, shuǐ?luò?shí?chū?.
céng?rì?yuè?zhī?jǐ?hé?, ér?jiāng?shān?bú?kě?fù?shí?yǐ?. yǔ?nǎi?shè?yī?ér?shàng?, lǚ?chán?yán?, pī?méng?róng?, jù?hǔ?bào?, dēng?qiú?lóng?, pān?qī?gǔ?zhī?wēi ?cháo?, fǔ?féng?yí?zhī?yōu?gōng?.
gài?èr?kè?bú?néng?cóng?yān?. huá?rán?zhǎng?xiào?, cǎo?mù?zhèn?dòng?, shān?míng?gǔ?yīng?, fēng?qǐ?shuǐ?yǒng?. yǔ?yì?qiāo?rán?ér?bēi?, sù?rán?ér?kǒng?, lǐn?hū?qí?bú?kě?liú?yě?.
fǎn?ér?dēng?zhōu?, fàng?hū?zhōng?liú?, tīng?qí?suǒ?zhǐ?ér?xiū?yān?. shí?yè?jiāng?bàn?, sì?gù?jì?liáo?. shì?yǒu?gū?hè?, héng?jiāng?dōng?lái?. chì?rú?chē?lún?, xuán?shang?gǎo?yī?, jiá?rán?zhǎng?míng?, luě?yǔ?zhōu?ér?xī?yě?.
xū?yú?kè?qù?, yǔ?yì?jiù?shuì?. mèng?yī?dào?shì?, yǔ?yī?pián?xiān?, guò?lín?gāo?zhī?xià?, yī?yǔ?ér?yán?yuē?: "chì?bì?zhī?yóu?lè ?hū??”wèn?qí?xìng?míng?, fǔ?ér?bú?dá?. "wū?hū?!yī?xī?!wǒ?zhī?zhī?yǐ?.
chóu?xī?zhī?yè?, fēi?míng?ér?guò?wǒ?zhě?, fēi ?zǐ?yě?xié??”dào?shì?gù?xiào?, yǔ?yì?jīng?wù?. kāi?hù?shì?zhī?, bú?jiàn?qí?chù?.