How old was Wang Xizhi when he learned calligraphy?

Wang Xizhi was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw the previous generation's "Bi Shuo" under his father's pillow and stole it to read. Seeing that he was still young, his father was worried that he could not keep the secret, so he told Wang Xizhi, "I will teach you calligraphy when you grow up." Wang Xizhi knelt down and begged his father, and his father was very happy.

So I gave him the book immediately. In less than a month, his calligraphy has improved a lot. Emperor Ming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty once wanted to go to Fuzhou Mountain in the northern suburbs of Jiankang, Kyoto, to offer sacrifices to the Earth God. He asked Wang Xizhi to write the sacrificial inscriptions on a wooden celebration board and then have someone carve it. The carver removed layer after layer of wood, and found that Wang Xizhi's ink stains penetrated deep into the wood. It was not until three-thirds of the thickness was removed that the white background was visible!