Qi, the eldest son of Wei, is an ordinary countryman of Yin. Wei is his country and Zi is his title, so he is called Cabbage. Another kind of micro food is called micro food. Weizi's mother used to be Diyi's concubine. After her second son Zhong You, she became a queen, and she gave birth to a third son. Di Yi and the Empress wanted their eldest son to be a prince, but a surname didn't agree. According to the law, "A son with a wife cannot have a son with a concubine". Di Yi reigned for 37 years, died and made Zhou emperor. After Zhou Wang came to power, he was ignorant and indulged in debauchery and state affairs. Build deer platform, meat forest and wine sea. Zhou Wang listened to the slanderers of Fei Zhong and da ji, and killed Zhongliang by torture such as branding. Dissatisfied with torture; The person who remonstrates directly will kill harder than the prisoner. He didn't listen to the advice, so he wanted to ask the country with his death. However, when he left Beijing, he hesitated, so he ran back to Kiko and Shao Shi and said, "We don't have a civilized politics in Yinzhou, and Zhou Wang didn't listen to advice. I think Yin will eventually perish. Should I go abroad or stay to protect my home? " Master Ji Zi and Shao Shi Bigan sighed and said, "Prince, God sent a heavy disaster to destroy our Yinzhou. Stay and see that the country is at peace, and naturally there will be no resentment. If the country can't be ruled by Qingming, it is better to leave early. " Cabbage listened, thought hard for a long time, and finally fled abroad. With Cabbage gone, Zhou Wang lost a "political enemy", but a surname Ji Zi is a relative of Zhou Wang, and he is not an outsider. He also urged Zhou Wang assiduously. Of course there will be no knot. So Ji Zi wore long hair and pretended to be crazy, hoping that Zhou Wang would be moved and suddenly save himself. However, his fantasy was broken by Zhou Wang's favorite concubine da ji, and da ji coaxed Zhou Wang to imprison Ji Zi as a slave. It was not until Zhou Wuwang overthrew the Shang Dynasty that he was released. Shao Shi Beagan couldn't stand what Zhou Wang had done any longer, so he dared to give advice to Zhou Wang regardless of his life and death. His words may be a little sharp, but Zhou Wang was very angry when he didn't listen. He said, "I have a lot of questions. Are you a saint? I heard that saints have seven holes in their hearts. " So he ordered people to cut open Beagan's chest and look at his heart with great cruelty. What happened to these three people is what Confucius said in The Analects of Confucius: "I went there and died as a slave, but Yin has three benevolence."
Zhou Wuwang overthrew Yin, and Wei Zi held the sacrificial vessel of Yin ancestral temple, tied his hands behind his back, bared his upper body, and knelt before King Wu. He told Chen that although he was dissolute, Yin's ancestors were innocent, and asked not to absolutely worship Yin's ancestors. Fortunately, Zhou Wuwang is very tolerant. He untied the rope for Weizi himself, which was a great relief. He also named Zhou Wang's son, Wu Geng, in Yin Di (now Shangqiu, Henan) as a memorial to Yin Hou. After the death of King Wu, Wu Geng took the opportunity to rebel, and Zhou Chengwang ordered Zhou Gongdan to suppress the rebellion in Wu Geng. In order to replace Yin, Wei Zi was given the title of Duke Song, and later the Song Dynasty was in Shangqiu, enjoying the courtesy of Yin, because Zhou Ke didn't concede. The world still calls him Cabbage, because Pan Geng moved his capital to Yin in Shang Dynasty, so he is also called Zi. Cabbage, the ancestor of the Song Dynasty, was buried on the mountain in Liu Yi (now Weishan Island) of the Song Dynasty.
Weizi's tomb is circular, with a height of10m. These buildings include Andrew, Pian Yin, Monument Pavilion, etc. And has formed an antique building. Worship the brick building on the stage and set up a tripod to confess; The carved beams and painted buildings in the main hall are simple and elegant, and the miniature figures with a height of 3.5 meters are lifelike. The large-scale mural "Yin Family" is informative and unpretentious, and reproduces the historical picture of the Yin and Shang Dynasties 3,000 years ago in the form of comic strips. There are several stone tablets in front of the tomb. The main monument was erected by Kuang Heng, a native of Lanling, the prime minister of Han Dynasty. The inscription "Tomb of Yin" was inscribed by Wei Meifu, a calligrapher in Nanchang, Han Dynasty. The banner reads "Ren Shenji Pen", which is an official seal script. The cypress trees in the tomb area are green and dripping, and from a distance, the halls and pavilions are magnificent, and they are spectacular under the brilliance of clear water. Weizilin has a building area of about 4000 square meters and four halls. The first two are Bagua Array and Fengshen Terrace, while the last two are Shangsong Palace and Songjun Hall. Modern sound, light and electricity technologies are used to express historical stories. Zhang Liangmu is 2 kilometers south of Weizi's tomb. In front of the tomb, there is a stone tablet erected in the second year of Qing Qianlong, which reads "Liu Han and Zhang Houliang's mother". Sean was born in the Warring States Period (now Yingchuan, Henan Province), and his surname was Ji. Emperor gaozu Liu bang's important adviser. Sean was ambitious when he was young. After the destruction of Korea, Qin was determined to avenge and restore the country, so he made friends with people with lofty ideals and hired chivalrous assassins to assassinate the first emperor. In vain, he fled to avoid disaster, continued to make friends with heroes from all sides, and sought ways to save the country. After he became an important counselor of Liu Bang, he assisted Liu Bang in the Northern Expedition, and "strategic planning won the battle thousands of miles away". People called him, Han Xin and Xiao He "three outstanding heroes of early han dynasty". After he established himself in the Han and Han world, he "retired after success and went forward bravely". He was not moved by fame and fortune, but took the ambition of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. So Liu Bang named him "Liu Hou" (left, the name of an ancient country, the county in Qin Dynasty. Now it has disappeared in Weishan Lake). In his later years, Sean retired from the fief and stopped asking about political affairs. After his death, he was named "Wen Chenggong" and was buried on the Weishan Mountain where the fief stayed in the city. Sean was famous for his strategy before his death, but he seems to have a "halo" after his death. Legend has it that people near the tomb need to hold a banquet if they are married, and there are not enough cups and lamps. As long as they present a column of incense at Sean's grave, they can borrow dishes. And no matter what kind of food, as long as these dishes are added, the taste becomes very delicious. However, a landlord held a wedding. Because of greed, people will not be "smart" if they borrow food again. Sean didn't seem to have done the "Three Wan Huhou" before his death, and he didn't seem to be very rich. He seems to have only one set of tableware.
Zhang Liangmu is a key cultural relic protection unit in Shandong Province. In front of the tomb, there are Han Que, Baitai, Yong Dao, tomb circumference, stone utensils and imitation bronze statue of Sean. There is an antique "Liu Hou Temple" behind the tomb, which contains poems, books and paintings related to Sean written by famous artists, as well as unearthed cultural relics of the Han Dynasty. There is a hall on the left and right, called "Han Yan Spring and Autumn Festival" and "Buhan Yiqing". There are "Songbaohuai" and "Mingbei" beside Zhang Liangmu, which no longer exist. People all over the world worship Sean and live in his grave one after another. A large village has been formed in front of the tomb, which is called "the village in front of the tomb". Located in the Weishan Lake Cultural Park in Zhangliangmu Scenic Area, it covers an area of nearly 100 mu and is a large Buddhist building in China. The whole project is a five-story hall with a building area of 5000 square meters. The main hall on the first floor is called "Pudu Temple", inscribed by contemporary calligrapher Wang Xuezhong. The word "Hall of Great Heroes" is the legacy of Mr. Zhang Daqian, a famous Chinese painter. There are dozens of couplets in the temple, all written by famous artists. The height of the pavilion is 49 meters, which is the highest in the world. Beautiful, strong and amazing.