Although the husband's family is rich, it has lost power and influence, and the guests in the Qing Dynasty have benefited and declined. And Wei Qihou lost power and influence, but also wanted to rely on Guanfu to approve the generals he admired all his life, and then abandoned them. Guanfu was also a famous imperial clan of Hou Dynasty by Wei Qi. The two are congenial and swim like father and son. It's never too late to know each other.
Guanfu's sister died, and Guanfu mourned for her. One day, Guan Fu visited the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said slowly, "I wanted to go to Wei Qihou with you, but it happened that you were in mourning." Guan Fu said, "The general is willing to condescend to visit the Marquis of Wei Qi. How dare I refuse because of mourning! Please let me tell Wei Qihou to prepare for the reception. The general will come early tomorrow morning. " Wu Houan agreed. I told you in detail about the invitation to Wu' an Hou. Wei Qihou and his wife bought a lot of meat and wine, cleaned the house all night and arranged it until dawn. At dawn, Wei Qihou asked the people under the door to wait in front of the house. But by noon, the prime minister still didn't come. Wei Qihou said to Guan Fu, "Did the Prime Minister forget this?" Guan Fu was very unhappy and said, "Although I was in mourning, I promised to accompany him to the meeting. He should be here. " So the irrigation driver drove the car and went to meet the Prime Minister in person. The Prime Minister's promise to Guanfu the day before was just a joke. He didn't really want to go. When the irrigator came to see you, the Prime Minister was still sleeping. So Guan Fu went in to see him and said, "Yesterday, General Meng Xing promised to be a guest at Wei Qihou's house, and Wei Qihou held a banquet with his wife. They haven't dared to take a bite since early in the morning! " Wuhou apologized in surprise and said, "I was drunk yesterday and forgot what I told you." Hou Wu 'an asked him to drive home, but he walked slowly, which made the irrigator more angry. After drinking as drunk as a fiddler, Guan Fu danced for fun and invited the Prime Minister to dance. After the dance, the Prime Minister refused to get up, so Guan Fu said something that offended the Prime Minister during the conversation. Wei Qihou helped Guan Fu leave and apologized to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister stayed in Houfu drinking until late at night and left happily.
It's better to be clothed than a prime minister. The Prime Minister said calmly, "I want to spend the Qi Wei Hou with Zhongru, and Zhongru will be obedient." Guan Fu said, "The general is willing to be lucky to be in Wei Qi, but his husband dares to take service as the solution! Please tell Wei Qi to wait for the tent, and the general will be on this day. " Wu 'an agreed. Guanfu's language is Wei Qihou, known as Hou Wu 'an. Wei Qi and his wife benefited from this city's Niujiu and sprinkled it at night. Pingming, keep the door waiting. In Japan and China, the Prime Minister didn't come. Wei Qi said to Guan Fu, "Did the Prime Minister forget?" Guanfu said without hesitation, "My husband should accept the invitation." Is driving, come to meet the prime minister. The prime minister's foreplay may not mean to go. And the husband sent to the door, the prime minister is still lying. So the husband came to see him and said, "The general promised Wei Qi yesterday, and Wei Qi couple Jige never dared to taste food again after Dan." Wu An 'e thanked her and said, "I was drunk yesterday and forgot to talk to Zhong Ru." However, while driving, the irrigators became more and more angry. Besides, he drinks too much and dances with the prime minister, so he can't afford it. The husband intruded into it from his seat. Wei Qi thanked the Prime Minister for helping Guanfu. The prime minister died of drinking until the evening, and he was very hungry.
In the spring of the fourth year of Yuanguang, the prime minister said that the Guanfu family was bullying in Yingchuan, and the people suffered greatly, requesting the emperor to investigate and deal with it. The emperor said: "This was originally a matter within the post of prime minister, so there is no need to ask for instructions." Moreover, Guan Fu also mastered some secrets of the Prime Minister, such as illegally collecting money, accepting bribes from the King of Huainan, and saying inappropriate things. Later, the guests mediated and persuaded, and the two sides stopped arguing and reconciled with each other.
In the spring of the fourth year of Yuanguang, the Prime Minister said that Guanfu's home was in Yingchuan, which was very harsh and the people suffered. Please file a case. Then he said, "What can I do for you?" In order to make huge profits, Guan Fu also did the dirty work of the prime minister, which was influenced by the good words of the king of Huainan. When the guests are idle, they stop to solve everything.
Guanfu didn't break his word. Guanfu's sister died, and Guanfu mourned for her.
One day, Guan Fu visited the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said slowly, "I wanted to go to Wei Qihou with you, but it happened that you were in mourning." Guan Fu said, "The general is willing to condescend to visit the Marquis of Wei Qi. How dare I refuse because of mourning! Please let me tell Wei Qihou to prepare for the reception. The general will come early tomorrow morning. "
Wu Houan agreed. I told you in detail about the invitation to Wu' an Hou.
Wei Qihou and his wife bought a lot of meat and wine, cleaned the house all night and arranged it until dawn. At dawn, Wei Qihou asked the people under the door to wait in front of the house.
But by noon, the prime minister still didn't come. Wei Qihou said to Guan Fu, "Did the Prime Minister forget this?" Guan Fu was very unhappy and said, "Although I was in mourning, I promised to accompany him to the meeting. He should be here. "
So the irrigation driver drove the car and went to meet the Prime Minister in person. The Prime Minister's promise to Guanfu the day before was just a joke. He didn't really want to go.
When the irrigator came to see you, the Prime Minister was still sleeping. So Guan Fu went in to see him and said, "Yesterday, General Meng Xing promised to be a guest at Wei Qihou's house, and Wei Qihou held a banquet with his wife. They haven't dared to take a bite since early in the morning! " Wuhou apologized in surprise and said, "I was drunk yesterday and forgot what I told you."
Wu Houan asked him to drive to Qi Wei's house.
3. Read the following classical Chinese and complete the following questions (1): "Enough …, enough … can …" to express the functions of the three buildings, and exclude AB according to the symmetrical structure; "Should be gradually formed" and "not in a hurry" are described from both positive and negative angles, with a pause in the middle and the exclusion of C; Therefore, Gao Yun thinks that Emperor Gaozong should not build large-scale buildings, and the magnificent palace wonders should be built slowly, which cannot be realized at once. (2) Item A "Women have no right to talk" is wrong. Both men and women have appearances, but the ancient concept that men are superior to women makes only surnames in historical documents, such as Mrs. X, Ms. X .(3)D X. (3) Item D, "The lifting of the ban on land occurred in the Sai-jo period. (4)① "public and private" is translated into "officials and people", "although" is translated into "even if", "bad year" is translated into "famine year" and "good" is translated into "thinking well". Sai-jo thought he was right, so he lifted the ban on farmland and distributed all the fertile land to the people. ② Push is transformed into inference, test into proof, effect into result, sincerity into certainty. Inferred from the ancients' truth and proved by today's facts, this is the result. Sai-jo thought he was right, so he lifted the ban on farmland and distributed all the fertile land to the people. (2) Inferred from the truth of the ancients and proved by the present facts, all these results are the same. This is indeed something that a wise monarch should consider. Gao Yun, a native of Bohai County, was an orphan since childhood, precocious and distinguished. Cui Xuanbo from Qinghe was very surprised when he saw him. It looks elegant and handsome, flashing like a mirror, and it must be an outstanding figure in the future, but unfortunately I can't see it. " When I was a teenager, I went to grandpa's funeral, returned to my hometown, and left my property in the hands of two brothers. I became a monk myself, with both fame and fortune. I quickly became secular. He is naturally fond of literary and historical classics, carries books on his back, learns from teachers thousands of miles away, and is proficient in Confucian classics and astronomical calendar divination. At this time, the country often occupies fertile land, and there are many people in Beijing who are not engaged in agricultural production. Gao Yun went on to say, "I came from a humble background and only knew how to farm. Allow me to talk about agriculture. The ancients said that there were 37,000 hectares of land in Fiona Fang and 37,000 hectares in Fiona Fang. Work hard to collect more than three buckets per mu, but don't work hard to collect less than three buckets per mu. If you reduce the increase in Fiona Fang, you will have food. " If both the government and the people have reserves, what is there to worry about even in a famine year? "sai-jo thought he spoke well, so he lifted the land ban and distributed all the fertile land to the people. Favored by sai-jo, Heizi Gongzhai in Liaodong was ordered to go to Bingzhou to accept bribes from his subordinates 1000 pieces of cloth, and was soon discovered. Sunspot asked Gao Yun how to deal with it and said, "The emperor asked me, should I turn myself in or hide?" Gao Yun said, "You are a favorite around the emperor, so you should be loyal when answering the emperor's questions, which can show your loyalty. Of course you don't have to worry about crime. "Cui Lan, assistant minister of Zhongshu, and Gong all said that they were telling the truth on their own initiative. The crime is very serious and they should hide these things. Sunspot thought Cui Lan and others approached him, but complained to Gao Yun, "According to you, my death is a scam. You're outrageous! "So he broke up with the high clouds. Sunspot was alienated from the emperor by his ancestors because of his dishonest answer, and was finally convicted and put to death. The treacherous Guo encouraged the emperor to build a palace in order to show his talent. Gao Yun advised, "In the past, Mao wanted to build a palace, and he wouldn't build it unless he was in the slack season. Now the country has been established for a long time, and the palace is ready. You can use Yongan Qian Dian to make countries face the court. "Climbing down from the Purple Tower, you can see the magnificent palace and the wonders of far and near scenery. Finish it slowly, not at once. Calculate that it takes 20,000 people to cut wood, transport earth and stone, and all kinds of handymen, and some people act as craftsmen, and the elderly and children deliver meals. It takes a total of 40 thousand people to complete it in half a year. The ancients said, "If people don't farm, there will be people who will suffer from hunger.": If a woman doesn't knit, someone will be hungry and cold because of her. Besides, tens of thousands of people will waste and lose a lot. Inferred from the truth of the ancients and proved by today's facts, this is the result. This is indeed something that a wise monarch should consider. " Gaozong adopted his suggestion.
4. Read the following classical Chinese and complete the following questions (1). A "can't" is an adverb, which modifies "in accordance with the matter", and can't break sentences in the middle, excluding B; "Ji" is a verb, meaning "comparable". After that, the pronoun "zhi" is omitted, and then the sentence is broken to exclude C; "Gui" is a verb and a predicate, and the object is "Xi", excluding the sentences before "Gui". I sympathize with the general who is old and sick. Even if he can't take charge of state affairs and defeat the enemy with strategy and wisdom, I can't compare with you because you are an important official and good at handling chaos, so I have asked you for advice many times. What is resentment? (2)C "the place where the imperial censor is in charge of administration" is wrong, the prime minister is in charge of administration, and the imperial censor is in charge of supervision and secretarial work. (3)C "He asked the emperor to extend his son's life and leave Beijing to be a northern satrap" is wrong. The original text is "looking for an official to prolong the life of the son, thinking it is the northern satrap." Zhang Anshi just asked his son to prolong his life and leave Beijing to fill his position, but he didn't put forward a specific position. It was appointed by the emperor. Imperial edict: imperial edict; Knowledge: remember; When the emperor traveled to Hedong, he once lost three boxes of books. When he asked, no one knew, only Zhang Anshi remembered the contents of those books. Inside: inside; Mi Guangyu: adverbial post-sentence. The son of heaven reveres the general (it is ok to say "respect and fear"), but his heart is closer to Zhang Anshi than to Huo Guang. Answer: (1)A(2)C(3)C(4)① The emperor lost three boxes of books when he traveled to Hedong, and asked, but no one asked. However, my heart is closer to Zhang Anshi than to Huo Guang. As a child, Zhang Anshi became a Langguan because of his father. Because she is good at calligraphy, she works for Shangshu, does her duty, and never goes out on routine holidays. When the emperor visited Hedong, he once lost three boxes of books, and no one knew when he asked. Only Zhang Anshi remembered the contents of those books and wrote them in detail. Later, he offered a reward to find them. Used for proofreading, without any omission. The emperor thought his talent was different, so he was promoted to minister and transferred to Dr. Guanglu. Zhao Di, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, ascended the throne, and General Huo Guang was in charge of the political power. Because of Zhang Anshi's upright character, Huo Guang is very close to him. After a while, the emperor wrote, "Zhang Anshi, the right general, assisted in government affairs and served as a guard. He was serious and respectful and never neglected. For thirteen years, he has been able to enjoy peace and trust his relatives. " It was the principle of governing the country in the Tang Yu era, and Zhang Anshi was named Hou Fuping. "A few months after the death of General Huo Guang, the ancient physician Wei Zou said:" General An Shi, who rode a motorcycle, served Emperor Xiao for more than 30 years, being honest, cautious and honest, and diligent in state affairs. He should be given an official position and made a general. "The emperor also wants to appoint him. An Shi was too scared to accept it. I took off my official hat and kowtowed and said, "I really don't think my talent is enough to be such a senior official and take over the position of General Huo Guang. I beg you to have some pity and save my life. " The emperor smiled and said, "What you said is too modest. If you are not qualified for this position, who else can be qualified! " An Shi repeatedly refused to succeed. Once he recommended something and the man came to thank him. Anshi is very sorry. He believes that there is no reason for personal gratitude when recommending sages and introducing talents. So I broke up with this man and never saw him again. There is a Lang Guan who has made great contributions and has not been promoted in his official position. He talked to Zhang Anshi about it himself. Zhang Anshi replied, "Your contribution is great, and the wise emperor knows it. My lieutenants are all working, what contribution can you boast of! " Before long, Lang Guan was promoted. The magistrate of Mofu was promoted, and Anshi asked him about his own fault. Chang Shi said: "The general is the minister of the emperor's thighs and arms, but he didn't recommend scholars. The person who said this looked down on you. An Shi said: "The emperor is wise, and I clearly know that there is a difference between virtue and unworthiness among courtiers. I'm just cultivating my morality. How can I know scholars and recommend them? "That's how he wants to hide his reputation and alienate himself from his power. Zhang Anshi himself found that the father and son were noble and distressed, so he asked his son to prolong his life and go out to be an official. The emperor appointed him the northern satrap. An Shi has a high position in Liehou, and he owns thousands of fiefs. However, he is wearing thick black silk, and his wife and 700 domestic slaves have to do manual work. She runs an industry at home and often accumulates subtle property, so she can keep increasing her property. Richer than General Huo Guang. The son of heaven respects General Huo Guang, but he is closer to Zhang Anshi than Huo Guang. In the spring of Yuankang four years, Zhang Anshi fell ill and submitted a report to the Marquis, asking for retirement. The emperor replied, "I sympathize with the general who is old and sick." Even if you can't run affairs and defeat the enemy with strategy and wisdom, you are the first emperor, an important official and good at dealing with chaos. I can't compare with you. "This is unkind to me, forget my old kindness, this is not what I want! I hope the general can eat more, see the doctor, rest in peace and help me. " An Shi barely presided over the state affairs and died in autumn. The emperor gave him a seal and buried him with chariots and warriors. Posthumous title is the "Honorable Hou".
5. Read the classical Chinese and complete the following questions (1). First, make clear the meaning of the sentence: "People in remote areas should not change their policies easily, continue to appease them, and worry about doing inappropriate things, not to mention disturbing them with tax increases. If the accumulated grain is full, it can't be transported to Beijing, and it is even more troublesome to transport labor. The word "love" means "except", which is the guidance of the next sentence, so it is placed in front of "disturbing it by increasing taxes" and the front is disconnected, so the exclusion of A and B means "therefore" and should be placed at the beginning of the sentence. Therefore, in c .(2)B, the Third Division of Song Dynasty refers to salt and iron, expenditure and household department. (3)B The original "I read Tang Shi and saw Chongwen Pavilion at the beginning", so Chongwen Pavilion was set up in Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty. Zhang Guan did not propose the establishment of Chongwen Pavilion, and Zhang Guan's worship of Buddhism and Taoism has no basis in the original text. (4)① Late stage. Beginning, talent; Zhu, the word "to"; Hanging biography can be combined with "longevity". (2) Sit, because you can combine "Sit" with "Sit" in "Parking and Loving LAM Raymond Night"; For ..., passive sentence; Prison, case; Death, death. Answer: (1)C(2)B(3)B(4)① Sometimes I forget to get tired at night, and sometimes I stop at midnight. Write it down in those knowledgeable history books, and it will be passed down forever. (2) (Zhang Guan) was impeached for falsely reporting that Lê Hoàn in Jiaozhou was killed by mutinous soldiers.
6. Second, complete the following questions in classical Chinese, (15) read the following classical Chinese, and complete 9 ~1:d (delegate, entrust) 10: C (structural auxiliary word "de")1. Zhong Wang, the minister, sat next to him and said, "This is why the State of Jin is so powerful.
If we improve politics, we will have the conditions for Wei to dominate the world. "Wuqi replied:" What our monarch said is a disaster for the country and the people; And if you agree, it's even more dangerous. "
Wu Hou said angrily, "What is your reason?" Wu Qi replied: "The dangers of rivers and mountains cannot be relied on, and the dangers of rivers and mountains never seek hegemony. In the past, Sanmiao lived in Lipeng Lake on the left, Dongting Lake on the right, Qishan in the north and Hengshan in the south. Although relying on these natural disasters, but poor political governance, Dayu drove them away.
Xia Jie's countryside is the northern foot of Tianmen Mountain on the left and the south of Tianxi Mountain on the right. Lushan and Yishan are in the north of the two mountains, and Yishui and Luoshui flow through their south. There was such a natural barrier, but the national politics was not well managed, and the result was broken by Shang Tang.
In the kingdom of Yin, there is Mengmen Mountain on the left, Zhangshui and Qiushui on the right, the Yellow River in front, and the high mountains in the back. However, despite this natural barrier, the country was badly governed and was attacked by Zhou Wuwang.
Besides, how many cities did you personally lead us to occupy and capture? The walls of those cities are not high and there are not many people. But it is because of political corruption that you can break through them. From this point of view, how can hegemony be achieved by relying on steep terrain? "The marquis of Wu said," good.
Today, I finally heard Mingzhe's political theory! Xihe Council will pay you in full. (1) The prince and the guests who knew about it all put on white clothes and white hats to see him off. (2) The general was specially sent to guard Hangu Pass (to prevent other thieves from entering and accidents).