1. YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, “Transmission characteristics of a Gaussian electromagnetic beam by a cylindrical wire grid,” Int. J. of IR & MM Waves, vol.23, no. 12, pp. 1727-1742, 2002
2. YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, "Effects of evanescent space-harmonics on the transmission characteristics of a Gaussian beam by cylindrical wire grids," Int . J. of IR & MM Waves, vol.24, no.12, pp.2069-2077, 2003
3. Liu YunFei, Shen XiaoFang, Shi Shengcai, Yu Shenglin, “Study of the power distribution of submillimeter Gaussian beams from a wire grid”, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol.1, no.2, 2006
4. Zonghan Wu, Boguang Zhao, Yue Wu, Yunfei Liu, Quan Chen, Fractal property of some insects' electric charge, Proceedings-International Symposium on Electrets, pp.245-248, Delphi, Greece, 1999
5. Liu Yunfei, Shi Shengcai, Yu Shenglin, "Monochrome Analysis of the characteristics of electromagnetic waves passing through metal grids", Journal of Microwaves, no.5, 2005
6. Liu Yunfei, Wang Jun et al., Research on the principle of resistive wood humidity sensor in kiln, Journal of Sensing Technology, 1997 :10(1)
7. Liu Yunfei, Peng Yuxiu, et al., Microwave test analysis of paper fiber orientation, China Papermaking, 1995: 14(6)
8. YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi , and ShengLin Yu, "Electromagnetic scattering of Gaussian beams from a cylindrical wire grid," in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2004), Nanjing, China, August 2004
9. YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, “Effects of evanescent space-harmonics on the transmission characteristics of a Gaussian beam by a cylindrical wire grid,” in Conference Digest of the 28th International Conf
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10. YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, “Transmission characteristics of a Gaussian electromagnetic beam incident on periodic circular cylidders” Proceedings of 2002 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves, CJMW2002, pp.202-207, Xi'an, China, April 2002
11. Liu YunFei, Shen XiaoFang, Shi Shengcai, Yu Shenglin, "Study of the power distribution of submillimeter Gaussian beams from a wire grid", 10th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2005
12. Yunfei Liu, Shengcai Shi, Shenglin Yu , "Transmission power of a Gaussian beam by wire grids", Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Engineering Research Forum on Microwaves and Electromagnetic Theory, pp. 187-191, Shanghai, China, August, 2006 (English original)
13. Liu Yunfei, Zhu Junfeng, Dynamic detection of vehicle axle load, Sensor Technology, no.5, 1998
14. Zhao Boguang, Liu Yunfei, Wu Zhonghan, Wu Yue, Chen Quan, Insect charging characteristics and Impact Factor, Forestry Science, no.2, 2001
15. Xue Lianfeng, Liu Yunfei, Local area extraction method of texture images, Computer Application Research, no.6, 2006
16. Yin Dongmeng, Wang Jun, Liu Yunfei, Acoustic emission signal characteristic analysis and neural network pattern recognition of defects and damage in wood-plastic composite materials, Applied Acoustics, no.6, 2007
17. Xue Lianfeng, Liu Yunfei, Li For phase, completely unsupervised texture image segmentation, Computer Applications and Software, no.12, 2007