The scenery there is really beautiful. There are mountains on both sides, and the mountains are covered with lush trees and bamboo. There are also many chickens and ducks in the bamboo forest, and there is a stream in the middle. It had just rained heavily when we went, and the stream was very big and made a rushing sound.
My little brother and I took the fishing nets and bottles prepared in advance and couldn't wait to catch fish in the stream. Take a look at the stream, wow! So many small fish. I immediately fished it up with a fishing net, but it was too heavy, and all the fish escaped without catching any. Later, I gently put down the fishing net and fished it up again. I saw small fish jumping in my fishing net. Wow! I caught a fish, not to mention how beautiful my heart is! Later, I became more and more skilled and caught more than 50 small fish in one breath! Mom and dad also praised me for being really capable! You call me awesome!
There is also a bamboo raft in the stream, and then we are going to support it. I was afraid to go up at first, but I saw my little brother playing so hard. I also got up the courage to go up, but I couldn't stand still. I let the bamboo raft sway and gave me a fright. My brother told me to separate my feet, and I finally stood firm. My brother is holding a bamboo raft in his hand, and the bamboo raft is busy swimming in the stream. It feels really beautiful.
Later, mom and dad told us to have a good meal, so we had to leave reluctantly. I like farmhouse music because it is very interesting and brings us great happiness!