The Bard in Bard Fantasy

Myths and Legends

Celtic Bards

In fact, Celtic Bards are the hymns of various tribes (poet-singer), and is an integral part of druid society. Often, she sang to the harp; there, she gained a reputation as the keeper of legends and culture. She fought fervently against the invaders, but could only inspire patriotic fervor through singing. Celtic bards gathered once a year for a singing competition. Feats Affinity with Animals and Focus on Weapons, Skills: Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Performance (Speech), and Performance (Stringed Instruments), all represent the Celtic bard's many interests.

Elizabethan Players

It would be impossible not to mention the Bard of Avon and William Shakespeare ), the discussion of bards is incomplete. The penniless roughneck conceals himself, pretends to be a driven, airy man, and charms the crowd with the achievements of his exuberant energy. Most of their performances moved from taverns to tavern courtyards or theaters. Playwrights and actors alike sought to become partners in theater companies, such as Chamberlain's Men, and earn a share in the profits. Bluffing, showmanship (acting), and dexterity help this type of bard get by, while a handy weapon (the rapier) helps them get by.

William Shakespeare was once a partner in The Lord Chamberlain's Men


These rebellious college students may be The deposed priest was dedicated to the mystical Saint Golias. They sang carnival songs, praising drinking, revelry, and debauchery. Wine, Women and Songs is the title of the bard's collection of poems, summarizing the hedonistic lifestyle. Bards attacked hypocrisy and false piety in simple verse, and used satire to criticize those in power. The Bard's works use a disorganized perspective to reform the order of his overly lawful religion and scholars. A bard uses skills such as concentration, document interpretation, knowledge (religion), performance (comedy), and the feats of Fortitude and Scribing Scrolls.

Gypsy Dancer

Accompanied by a guitar, applause from her admirers like bells, and stomping her feet to the beat, a gypsy dancer wears a shiny costume and bracelets , began flamenco—an improvisational dance that expressed her inner feelings. Despite this, she is able to confuse crowds and summon mystical energies to reveal destiny. Like other members of the Gypsy immigrant band, she could play the guitar, hammered dulcimer or tambourine, and probably had some training as a metalworker or horse trader. A gypsy dancer is gifted with performing dance skills, percussion and string instruments.


Legend has it that during a hot battle, a courageous and upright officer was sent to convey the deadline for surrender to the enemy commander. An expert on horseback, the courier deftly navigated the dangers of the battlefield to complete her mission. In times of peace, a messenger conducts jousting, reciting the names, titles, and allegiances of the combatants to promote and inspire them with dignity. Among the knightly hired classes, she recorded genealogies, conferred distinctions and registered coats of arms. A messenger is often mounted into battle and knows the skills: Craft (calligraphy), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Show (oratory), and Riding.

Lyric poet (Troubadour)

Elegant and beautiful; in the French Garden in the south and Spain and Italy in the north, lyric poets sang passionate love songs to seek fame. The joy of a lady. He composed new songs based on legends and played them with ready-made melodies - such as the caso d'amor, the witch's celebration of human sexuality; the pastorela, the quest of the knight and the shepherdess; Or alba, in which the witch's underground lover is warned by his jealous wife at the break of dawn.

A skilled lyricist provides his own accompaniment, playing violin or harp. The Negotiator feat contributes to the Lyrical Bard's life, skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Act (singing), Perform (strings), and Sense Motive.

The Northland Poet (English: Skald): the preacher of Nordic mythology

The ancient Germanic people believed that language has mysterious power and did not record legends in writing, leaving only a few similar ones. Rune script (Runenschrift; Rune). Fortunately, these myths and legends were orally passed down by the Northland poets (skald) and remained in Iceland. In the 7th century AD, the Norwegians came here to establish the Republic of Iceland and ushered in the most important period of Icelandic literature. Brilliant times.

According to the writings of Yu Sulan, a famous female cartoonist and novelist in Taiwan, the bard Granhil in the "Black Princess Series" has captivated the hearts of countless people with his singing and sighing voice like a clear spring. The bard shines in many novels as a romantic and slightly unconventional young man, with a mysterious and ethereal atmosphere, an otherworldly temperament like an elf, and a delicate and rich emotion and endless flow. talent inspiration. ——This profession is a lost art like the Onmyoji in Japanese history.