Wei minister and calligrapher. Calligraphy is as famous as Wang Xizhi, calling him Zhong Wang. What's this man's name?

Historically, he is as famous as Wang Xizhi in calligraphy. He is called Zhong Wang. His name is Zhong You, Zhong You (15 1 ~ 230), a native of Yingchuan Changshe (now east of Changge County, Henan Province). Take Xiaolian as the lang, serve the servants through the calendar, and seal the East Pavilion Wuhou; Guo Wei was founded at the beginning, moved to Xiang, Ming Di acceded to the throne, and moved to Taifu, known as Zhong Taifu. Gongshu studied under Cao, Cai Yong, and learned from others, and was excellent in all aspects, especially Li and Kai. There are many different interests between stippling and painting, and the structure is simple, which naturally forms a new look from official to official. Together with Zhang Zhi and Wang Xizhi, they are also called "Zhong Zhang" and "Zhong Wang". In the book, they are called "Four Saints" together with Zhang Zhi, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi. The original has disappeared, and all previous dynasties have regarded it as law. "The True Story of Calligraphy" said: "Zhong You's calligraphy is noble, simple and super charming." The original work is not passed down. The declaration forms, He Jie forms, Ji forms, Li Ming forms, tomb forms, etc. engraved in the law posts since the Song Dynasty were copied by later generations. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang called him a "broken book": "The true book is wonderful, but it is a teacher, rigid and well prepared. There are many different interests between stippling and painting, which can be described as profound and boundless, and quaint. Since Taihan, there has been only one person. "