1. Wang Xuanzhi: Bo Yuan, the eldest son of Wang Xizhi. Cursive script and official script. Wang Xuanzhi died shortly after his marriage, leaving no children behind, and Wang Yunzhi, the son of his brother Wang Ningzhi, was his heir.
2. Wang Ningzhi: Shu Ping, the second son of Wang Xizhi. Wang Ningzhi is not a talented person, nor is he a representative of romantic life in Wei and Jin Dynasties. Compared with his brothers, he can only be regarded as a mediocre person, and his life is even more pedantic.
3. Wang Huanzhi: the third son of Wang Xizhi. I studied calligraphy since I was a child and was good at cursive writing.
4. Wang Suzhi: Young Gong, the fourth son of Wang Xizhi. He has been consulted by Zhong Shulang and a title of generals in ancient times.
5. Wang Huizhi: Ziziyou, the fifth son of Wang Xizhi. He has served as a rider in the army, a fu in the army, and an assistant minister at Huangmen. However, he was arrogant, uninhibited, not enthusiastic about official business, and often wandered around. Later, he simply resigned and lived in Shanyin.
6. Wang Caozhi: Zi Zhong is the sixth son of Wang Xizhi. He is good at Cao Li. He has served as secretary supervisor, assistant, minister of history, and prefect of Yuzhang.
7. Wang Xianzhi: Zi Zijing is the seventh son of Wang Xizhi. A famous calligrapher in Chinese history is famous for his running script and cursive script, but his regular script and official script also have a deep foundation. Its less prestigious, superb, uninhibited.