Wang did not explain.
The wise man knows it, and the wise man wins the world.
The tiger is the king of beasts, and the tiger roars and the nine tigers roar together. Nine is the largest number in ancient times, and the ninth five-year plan is supreme.
The moral of this name is obvious.
Wang xing, who is brave and resourceful, combines rigidity and softness, will make great achievements in the future!
This name has many advantages, so I won't explain them one by one. The good news is that LZ's surname and date of birth are exactly the same as Hu Jinnian. )
PS: All the above are based on real kung fu, not copy and paste, absolutely original (I don't believe that there can be only LZ in Baidu Google)! ! It's not easy for me in the middle of the night, I hope LZ will adopt it!
Originally, LZ's surname was good, and boy's name can't be wrong! It costs at least five thousand RMB in my local name.