Wei Shi Ji

Wei, a native of Dingzhou Gucheng. Lift Jinshi. Tired of asking Dr. Wesley for help. Sitting with Shangguan Yi's articles, distributed outside the ridge. Forgive at the beginning of the yuan dynasty. Liu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, recommended being the man of the times and worshiping history as the governor. Tired of moving to the official department assistant minister. know

He urged Xuan Tong to appoint an election, fearing that he might not have exhausted his skills, but he said: Ancient times.

Those who make utensils should choose craftsmen to make simple materials, and those who serve the country should find talents to be officials. A bad craftsman can't finish his work; There is no reason why it is not virtuous to be an official. The monarch, so the shepherd also; Minister, so Zuo Jun also. If you don't support people, you will lose your way; If I don't help you, I will lose my position. Anyone who does anything is sincerely for the foundation of the country and the safety of the people. People don't get rich, thieves don't stop, prisoners are unclear, and courtesy is still lacking. What's wrong? Junior officials are incompetent, and ordinary officials are not their talents. If an official is not qualified, he must learn from others, and there are still unfinished things. I have also heard this legend, saying, "Ming Wang served heaven, founded the country with its capital, and Gong Junwang took medicine as a teacher, not only for comfort, but also for reason." In Qianzhou, today's counties, scholars have a constant monarch, people have a master, advisers, heroes, and ministers have a court order. Qin and the world become one, stopping and being guarded by Hou. As a result, the Han family has changed all the way. Governors can buy their own officials for less than 400 stones. If they are big officials, Han people will buy them. State and county officials and Du You are engaged in it, and they are allowed to keep it. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it has only been returned to the official department, and it has been passed down from ancestors to the present. The disadvantages of laws and regulations come from the long time. owner

Threaten the bad guys to change jobs. If you have to change jobs, you should also see clearly and make a clever argument. Now the company's choice is not an emperor's decree, but a modern way of power, so migration is very important. Why is there still a long way to go? Husband's feet are small; Yu Zhong's tools are piling up. How can it be out of reach? If it didn't suffer, how can it be tolerated? The world is big and there are many scholars, but how many people can you entrust? If the balance is equal, the brightness is like a water mirror, the intensity is extremely high, the illumination is poor, there are many comprehensive services, and the chaos is wide. It is inhuman to live in this position. Is it really clear to yourself, but you don't know it; It will be ridiculous and embarrassing. There's nothing wrong with being sentimental. Why not? Dirty and private, endless. The most important thing is to be an elected official, to choose benefits for oneself, to write attentively for relatives and friends, and to guide them according to the situation. The dust is long, which is embarrassing; Disrupting the government is the same as disrupting the market. To tell the truth, the risks are like a stream, and choosing words and lines is still afraid of carelessness. Today, it is not difficult to do all kinds of things, fold aside and act arbitrarily in a company! The emergence of Ren Wei is based on three points; When the Jin family moved, it was not unified. When Qi, Song, Zhou and Sui were arrested, there were more wars and fewer Antai days, and tiles were divided and fragmented. For more than ten years, the Sui family was peaceful, and then there was a war and famine, which resulted in the lack of moral education and current affairs and politics. Wude and Guan Zhen are different from today. At the beginning of the emperor's luck, people were often scarce when making ordinary things. Heaven is a great sage and enjoys the eternal life of the country. It is more sealed than a house, and it is at peace with the world. Salty thought it was shameful, and it was not lazy, and it flowed in all kinds of ways for thousands of years. There are no new posts in the group, there are officials, not limited to people. At the beginning of the anthology, the clouds are rolling and the narrative is ending. Jade and purple are inseparable, and gain and loss account for half. Caution means that things are harmful, and knowing it will lead to the loss of things. know

In the past, this system had many defects, but the second generation was extraordinary. No vassal's ministers are destined to be sons of heaven, nor are they dedicated to one position. Therefore, Zhou Muwang regarded Botong as a servant, and his life said, "Shen Jian is a servant, but he is eccentric and charming, and only a scholar." This made him choose his own essay. The servant is right, the doctor is in the ear, and it is appointed by the family. It is inevitable to be fair and just. Zhou Li: Taizai, Neishi, and Fei Juelu; Stuart, Sima, don't take orders from Xingxian. When it is divided into group companies, there are several positions in the unified company, each of which is small and the king is big. The appointment of the husband is taught, and the body of the gentleman is also the best. The talents are used, so you can get more people and make up for it. owner

India > Pei Yezi said, "The troubles of an official are still what the king said. At home, they regard filial piety as their own filial piety, while the prefectural party Committee obeys their integrity, goes in and out to see their aspirations, their righteousness, and their worries and joys. If you are bored, you can see what you can do; Use it to check its honesty. " The Book of Rites began in the school, was discussed in the state, talked about six things, and then went to Wang Ting. I'm still at Han's house. States and counties have their duties, and the last five governments have been established, and they have been promoted to the DPRK. The three public offices have been divided into departments, and the ministers have played the emperor. A person's body is closed to many people; The progress of a scholar is also detailed. So there are men in the government, and few fail. Wei and Jin rebelled and suffered great losses. According to Ye Zi, it is still harmful to cover your ears only in the Song Dynasty, but it is worse today! room

You can't stay in politics without learning and skills. Therefore, the Book says: "Learn from the past and enter the official, and discuss the rules." Biography said: "I learned to be a politician, but I didn't enter school by the Political Institute." For example, today's noble children ask for officials early. In their thirties, they are already wearing silver wormwood or child grass, and they have laid hands on Zhu Xi. Hongwen Chongxian's birth, thousands of cows and feet, etc. , the course is shallow, the art ability is thin, the door is right, and the expectations are high. A husband is like a virtuous stepfather, and the ancient way is also. The so-called Xunzi must cut the philosophers, cultivate six rites to control their nature, make clear seven religions to promote their virtue, set eight strategies to prevent their lewdness, promote the virtuous to worship the virtuous, and be unprincipled to be evil. Less employment, grow up to be an official, get promoted by virtue, and then you can use the guest king to move the country. If you are a young official, you will give up your studies. If you act rashly, you have no talent. You will be first-class here, cherish your kindness. Respecting officials and observing disciples again, waiting for counties to act. He took it directly from the book, I'm afraid it didn't mean the word before the sage. room

The minister of food and meat also thinks that people in the country use money like people. Poor people hate dross and think it is short and light brown; Rich people have surplus food and meat, and clothes are light and fur. However, when the disadvantage is immoral, you can sharpen your knife and follow the trend; On the day of peace and prosperity, it is also appropriate to choose a handsome man and let him do whatever he wants. "Poetry" says: "The wrong salary is wrong, and the words are clumsy." Chu, Jing also, in the salary. The Party should make rational use of talents, be fortunate in selecting and employing people, and be especially concise. I secretly read the book, and every time I ordered three products and five products to recommend scholars, down to the nine products, which also made people look up, meaning that the holy court would ask for it. However, the evaluation is not clear, and there is not much difference between gains and losses. Therefore, an old friend is not worried about his responsibility, and his search is endless. If he sticks to his life, he won't be cautious. And only sages know sages, and sages talk about it. Both Iraq and Gao are cited, ruthless and salty. Although the relapse level is the same, the talent is different and the body is overused. Do you know anyone? If you want to do something practical today, you must choose the right one. The source is clear and the shadow is regular. It is not clear what the main brigade can do, but it is unreasonable to blame others. Hanshu said: "The guests and servants of Zhang Er and Chen Yu are the best in the world." He is a good man, but he can still be a good man. The situation is based on the sage of the Jade Emperor and the virtue of the country, rather than establishing a long-term strategy. He has tried his best to learn from others, but he is concerned about the legacy of Wei and Jin dynasties and the end of Zhou and Sui dynasties, which makes me secretly confused. Fu is willing to temporarily return to the sacred care, adopt some humble words, and slightly follow the rules of Zhou Han, so as to choose the official department. That is to say, I hope to use it in detail, fresh and poor. owner

I can't stand it. At the beginning of Hongdao's transition to Wenchang Zuocheng, he was also a local official, a scholar in the same book. Then, as the day approached, Dr. Taizhong and Assistant Minister Luan Tai learned that the government affairs were as before. After three years of hanging arch, Dr. Jia Yinqing Guanglu checked the school and accepted the words, sealing the giant deer man. The friendship between Xuan Tongzhu and Pei Yan can make him consistent, and people call him an "enduring friend". It is not harmonious with the cruel official Zhou Xing. When Yongchang was first built by Zhou Xing, Yun Xuan said, "The Queen Mother is old and must be reinstated." The queen mother was very angry when she heard about it, but she died at home. "Why don't you tell me something? I hope I can be called, so I will tell you, "Xuan Tong said. Xuan Tong sighed, "what's the difference between killing ghosts and killing people? How can you tell others? " So he was sentenced at the age of 73. Tian Zi, in the Kaiyuan period, was endowed with.

Wei is a native of Dingzhou. He was promoted many times until he became an assistant minister in the official department.

Since Xuan Tong was appointed as an official, he was worried that his practice could not fully conform to the method of recruiting talents and talents, so he wrote: "I heard that people who make utensils must choose craftsmen to choose materials, and people who govern the country must find talents and talents. Craftsmen are not good, they can't make fine utensils, officials are not virtuous, and they can't govern the world. The monarch rules the people; Minister, it's for the monarch. If the monarch can't support the people, he loses the reason to be a monarch; If the minister can't help the monarch, he loses his responsibility as a minister. The appointment of officials is indeed the foundation of the country and concerns the safety of the people. Now the people are not rich, the number of thieves and troublemakers has not decreased, the lawsuits of fighting have not subsided, and etiquette education is still lacking. Why? It is because the following officials are incompetent that many officials have no ability to be officials. There are no talented people in the official position, that is, the method of selecting officials is still not perfect. "

"I also think that the country employs people, just like people use money. The poor are satisfied with distiller's grains and rice bran and worry about rough clothes; Rich people have no worries about food and clothing, and wear light and warm leather clothes. From this point of view, in that era of decline and lack of sages, we should inspire those old and clumsy people and make use of them. In this era when there are many sages of peace in the world, we should choose those outstanding people to appoint them. The selection of talents should be as many as possible, but it is especially necessary to be selective. I have seen your majesty's orders and documents, and often let officials at the third and fifth levels recommend wise men, down to officials at the ninth level, and also let them recommend talents. This is Corporal Li Xian's intention to recruit people extensively in the imperial court. However, because the system of recommendation, praise or criticism is not clear, and there is no strict distinction between merits and demerits of recommendation, ministers don't have to worry about being belittled, and they won't try their best to search for recommendations, so they don't seriously consider recommending talents. Besides, only saints can identify saints, which is the wise saying of saints. Since Yi Yin and Hao Tao have been entrusted with important tasks, the unkind will stay away. It is also worrying that although the ranks are the same, people's talents are different. Some people themselves are mixed up in official positions, which is not worthy of the name. Taking people as a mirror, how to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of people? Now we should devote ourselves to seeking real talents, and at the same time, we should choose referees who are responsible for recommendation. The clear water is because of the clean source, and the correct shadow is because of the upright benchmark. You can't do things without knowing the character and talent of the person who recommended you in detail, but blaming the person he recommended for mediocrity and confusion. "