In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, defeated the state of Yue, captured the king of Yue and got a lot of gold and silver treasures, especially after getting a peerless beauty, Xi Shi, who became even more complacent and indulged in singing, dancing, drinking and wine all day long, without asking about state affairs. When the Winter Solstice Festival arrived this year, the prince of Wu accepted the worship of officials as usual, and the singing and dancing inside and outside the court were peaceful. Unexpectedly, during the banquet, he was tired of eating delicacies, so he was unhappy and put aside food. Seeing all this, Xi Shi took the opportunity to run into the imperial kitchen, kneading dough and rolling skin, trying to make a new type of snack to show her mind. After turning over several tricks in her hand, the leather finally wrapped up a dustpan-style snack. Put it in boiling water, and the snacks will flood the water one by one. She put it into a bowl, added fresh soup, sprinkled onion, garlic and pepper, and dripped sesame oil for the king of Wu. King Wu tasted it, and it was extremely delicious. He ate a big bowl in one breath and repeatedly asked, "What kind of dessert is this?" Xi Shi secretly laughed: this heartless and confused monarch is always in a daze, and it's really chaotic. When she heard the question, she casually replied, "Wonton." Since then, this kind of dim sum has flowed into the people in the name of "wonton". People in wuyue not only like to eat wonton on weekdays, but also regard it as the appropriate food for the Winter Solstice Festival to commemorate the wisdom and creation of Xi Shi.