In fact, this sentence means: when pouring tea for guests, it should be seven minutes full, when filling rice for guests, it should be eight minutes full, and when pouring wine. We have heard the saying that tea is full of deception, because if we pour too much tea, it will burn our guests' hands, and if our hands burn, the cup will break when it falls, which will embarrass both sides and make our guests feel ugly, so we pour tea.
Eight points for a meal means that there are too few dishes for the guests, and you may feel that the host is unwilling to give him enough dishes, which is too stingy. If he grows much longer, the rice will be pushed out, and the guests will not touch the rice when they eat, which will be unsightly, so it is best to be full at 8 minutes. And when the wine is full, it will be especially hospitable, so that we can. Show your respect and sincerity.
In fact, if our ancestors stay, some of them still have to abide by it. After all, it is also a kind of civilized etiquette, which can also increase the feelings between people.