original text
1 1.26, Zeng (1) and Gong Xihua were seated. Confucius said: "One day when I grow up, I will grow up, if there is no (2). Zhu (3) said, "I don't know!" If you know it, why bother? Lutz took Er ⑤ and said to him, "A country is thousands of times as big as a big country. With the help of teachers, it is also hungry. Compared with (7) three years, it can make you brave and know one side (8). " Master Yi (9). "Ask, what about you?" Yes, I said, "If the Party is sixty or seventy (10), for example, (1 1) fifty or sixty, that will be enough for the people, compared with three years. If it is a ritual, it is a gentleman. " "Hong, what about you?" Right: "If you can't do it, you are willing to learn. The ancestral hall (12), such as Huitong (13) and Duan Zhangfu (14), is willing to be a small picture (15). " "Military academy, and you? Gu Sexi (16), Kenger, and Shese wrote (17): "The works of three extraordinary sons. Confucius said, "What's wrong with this?" They also speak their minds. "As the saying goes," Mo (18) spring, spring clothes have been finished, there are five or six champions (19), six or seven boys, bathing in Iraq (20) dance style (2 1), and returning to the song. The master sighed: "I am with a point! "The third son came out and used to be the queen. Zeng said, "What about the words of one husband and three sons?" Confucius said, "It's already what people want." He said, "What's the reason, Master?" He said, "Serve the country with courtesy. If you don't let it, it is a reason. " Only (22) is not a state to seek? ""who is safe in sixty or seventy, like fifty or sixty, not a country? " "Only red does not stand?" "Ancestral temple in conjunction with the governors, isn't it? Red is small, how can it be big? "