Lei Feng
The famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi is famous all over the world for his calligraphy, but he easily refuses to write for others. One day, Wang Xizhi met a poor old woman on the road, carrying a basket of bamboo fans and selling them at the market, but no one bought them. When he saw it, he felt very sympathetic, so he helped the old woman inscribe words on each fan. After people found out, they gathered around and rushed to buy. The basket of bamboo fans was quickly sold out. The old lady who was waiting to buy rice for cooking was very happy and very grateful to the helpful calligrapher.
During the Liang Tianjian period in the Southern Dynasty, there was a doctor named Yan Zhizhi who was a doctor of the Five Classics. He was knowledgeable and noble in character. One day, he happened to see a man lying on the ground by the river. His clothes were in tatters and his face was swollen. After asking, he learned that the man's surname was Huang. He was from Jingzhou and went out to work because his family was poor. Recently, he was seriously ill and was abandoned on the shore by the owner of the ship who was in a hurry. Yan Zhizhi took the man home and treated him. A year later, the patient named Huang recovered. In order to thank Yan Zhizhi, he knelt on his knees and sincerely expressed his willingness to stay in Yan Zhizhi's house and serve as a slave for life to repay the great kindness of saving his life. Yan Zhizhi declined, and took out money and dry food and asked him to return to his hometown.
During the Wei and Qi Dynasties in the Northern Dynasties, there was a man named Li Shiqian. His family was very wealthy, but he advocated frugality and was generous. He often gave alms to the people. There was a spring famine one year and many families were out of food. Li Shiqian gave 10,000 shi of food to the food-deficient households in the countryside. In autumn, the harvest was bad again and the crops failed. People who borrowed grain asked for deferment of repayment. Li Shiqian said: "I lent you grain to help you survive the famine, not to seek profit. Since the year is not good, you don't have to pay back the borrowed grain." So he invited some people who were in debt to eat, and during the meal All the IOUs were burned in front of everyone. The next year there was a bumper grain harvest, and many people picked up the grain to return it. Li Shiqian refused to collect it, so those who returned the grain had to pick it back again. Li Shiqian was a philanthropist for 30 years and died in the eighth year of Emperor Wen's reign in the Sui Dynasty. More than 10,000 people mourned his funeral in the Zhaozhou area where he was located, and the cries moved the earth.