Wang Rong said: "I have been with Ji Kang for 20 years, and I have never seen him with a happy expression."
Ji (jρ) Kang: Uncle Zi, a doctor in the middle period of Wei Dynasty, was known as Zhong Zhongsan in the world, and was also known as the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest with Ruan Ji. He was cautious in his heart, acted wildly, and advocated the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, so as to oppose Sima's dark rule. Later, he was injured by accident and was executed by Si Mazhao.
Ruan Ji (2 10-263) was a poet of Wei in the Three Kingdoms period. The word heir. (now Henan) Wei family. One of the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest. He used to be an infantry captain and was called Ruan Infantry in the world. Worship the learning of Zhuangzi and Zhuangzi, but take a cautious attitude to avoid disasters politically.
Ruan Ji doesn't talk much, but he often uses his eyes as props to look at people with "white eyes" and "green eyes". Treat annoying people with dirty eyes; Treat the person you like with green eyes.
It is said that after Ji Kang's mother died, Ji Kang's brother Ji Xi came to offer condolences.
However, because Ji was an official in the DPRK, that is, a man of etiquette in Ruan Ji's eyes, he ignored the proper etiquette during the funeral and gave Ji a dirty look. Later, when Ji came with wine and harp, he was overjoyed and immediately changed from white eyes to blue eyes.
Wang Rong (1 1, 234-305), the word Zhuo chong. Linyi, nirvana in fire (now Zhuge Village, Baishabu Town, Linyi, Shandong) was born. Celebrities and officials from the Three Kingdoms to the Western Jin Dynasty, one of the "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest".
Born in Wang's hometown. He is good at being concise, and is famous for his incisive comments and profound knowledge. At first, it attacked his father, Ling Zhen Hou Ting, and was turned into a genus by Si Mazhao. Tired of the official Yuzhou secretariat, the general Jianwei. After taking part in the battle of Jin and Wu, after Wu was pacified, he entered Fengxian County. It is quite effective to win over Jingzhou scholars. He was also recruited as an assistant and moved to Guang Lu Xun. He has served as the official department minister, Prince Taifu, Zhongshuling, and Shangshu Zuofu, leading the official department affairs. In the seventh year of Yuankang (296), he was promoted to Stuart. Wang Rong thought the world would be chaotic, so he ignored the world and took pleasure in playing with mountains and rivers. Sima Lun killed Zhang Hua and others. Wang Rong was forgiven because he was Zhang Yue of Pei Wei. It was used as a secretary's order again and then transferred to Stuart.
After Zhang Fang hijacked Hui Di and entered Chang 'an, Wang Rong fled to Shan County. In the second year of Yongxing (305), Wang Rong died in 72.
Ji Kang is broad-minded, free and lazy. "I often don't wash my hair on January 15, I don't feel bored, and I don't take a shower." Plus he lost his father when he was young, so he often indulged himself. "I have lived a long time and my feelings are proud." As an adult, after he accepted Laozi and Zhuangzi, he "re-intensified his release efforts, making his heart of glory gradually decline." In laziness and freedom, Ji Kang's wildness and broadmindedness are bred.
Ji Kang was proud of the world when he was young and disdained to treat others with courtesy. Xiang Xiu once described his friendship with Ji Kang as follows: "I have a close relationship with Ji Kang and Lu An. He has no talent for being unruly. However, Lu Zhiyuan is sparse and Lu Xin is relaxed. " Zhong Hui framed Ji Kang on the charge of "debauchery, not destroying the canon".
Ji Kang is good at calligraphy and cursive works. Its ink is "radiant and delicate in spirit" and is listed as a unique cursive script. Later generations called his calligraphy "like holding a piano and half drunk, sleeping soundly, if birds gather, people will disperse."
365 days of non-abstinence writing training day 75