Liu, Wang's friend, is Gao Zu's half-brother.
There are four great-grandfather brothers, big brother Bo and flea pawn. When I was young, I tasted food and always had a big meal with my guests. Sister-in-law hates uncle, uncle comes, guests come, sister-in-law is full of soup, and guests die. Seeing that there was soup in the kettle, Gaozu blamed his sister-in-law. While Gaozu was the emperor, Emperor Kun was sealed, and Bozi was not sealed alone. The emperor's father thought it was saying that Gao Zu said, "The mother doesn't smell the land that has not been forgotten." So he turned his son's envelope into soup. And Wang's second brother is a second-class generation.
In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu, Han Xin, the king of Chu, was born in Chen, his younger brother was the king of Chu, and his capital was Pengcheng. Twenty-three years after he ascended the throne, Wang Ziyi was established. Wangyi died in four years, and his son Wang Wuli.
In the winter of twenty years, Wang Wuli was appointed as the thin queen mother and cut Donghai County. In the spring, Wu plotted against the king of Wu, but his teacher protested and refused to listen. Wu killed Shang and Yiwu, rose up and attacked Liang with Wu, breaking the spine wall. To the south of Changyi, we fought against Zhou Yafu, a general of the Han nationality. The Han Dynasty refused to provide food for Wu Chu, the soldiers were hungry, the prince of Wu left, and the king of Chu committed suicide, so the army surrendered to the Han Dynasty.
The Han Dynasty leveled Wu Chu, and Emperor Xiaojing wanted to succeed Wu with good deeds and Chu with Yuan Jun.. Dou Taihou said, "Mr. Wu Wanglao, you have also proclaimed that the ancestral hall is good. Today is the first time to lead the seven countries. The world is in chaos. Why not continue! " There is no queen Wu and Xu. It's time for Zheng to be polite. It's for the king of Chu to worship Li, for the ancestral hall of the king of Yuan, and for the king of Chu.
Li died in three years, Daoli. Twenty-two years after Ann's death, Wang made a note. /kloc-Li died in 0/4, and Chun did it for him. In the second year of Wang Chunli and Dijie, the middleman wrote to the king of Chu for rebellion, and the king of Chu committed suicide. In addition to the country, he entered the Han Dynasty as Pengcheng County.
Liu Suizhe of Wang Zhao, his father, Gao Zu Zhongzi, is a famous friend. Say "quiet". Wang You lived in seclusion because he was afraid of his own death. Queen Gao died in Zhao at the age of one. Minister Zhu Lu and others. , made you a prince, made the prince of Zhao.
Emperor Xiaowen ascended the throne for two years, strengthened his younger brother, and took Zhao Hejian County as Hejian King and Wen King. Thirteen years after his death, mourning for Wang Fuli. One year's death, no children, no country, into the Han Dynasty.
So, in the twenty-sixth year of Zhao Haoqi, Emperor Xiaojing took Chao Cuo to behead Changshan County, the prince of Zhao. Wu and Chu rebelled and plotted an uprising with him. Its counterpart, Jiande, is a literary and historical Wang Hanjian. Don't listen. Then the fire killed Jiande and Wang Han, and he sent troops to the western boundary, hoping to rule Wu with the whole west. North to Xiongnu, and even attack with Han. The Han Dynasty wrote to Zhou Hou of Qu to attack it. Seven months later, Wang Zhao returned to Handan, guarding Handan. Beaten by Liang, so we can't go west. When the Huns heard about it, they stopped and refused to enter the Han territory. Luan Bu, after his own destruction, united to bring water to Zhao Cheng. Zhao Cheng broke down, Wang Zhao committed suicide, and Handan surrendered. Zhao was the last queen.
Taishi Gong said: If a country is prosperous, there must be an example. A gentleman uses it, but a villain returns it. The country will die, the sage will be hidden, and the chaotic minister will be expensive. Let the king of Chu not punish, listen to him, and let Zhao protect himself from Yu Xiansheng. Is there any plan to usurp power and kill him, which is good for the world? Sage. Sage. What is the use of evil? What's more, "safety is in order, survival is in place", it's true!
Wang Jiaoliu of Chu Yuan is the younger brother of Gaozu's mother.
There are four high-impedance brothers, and the eldest brother's name is Bo, who has already passed away. When Gaozu was humble, in order to avoid difficulties, he had to pass by his sister-in-law's house for dinner with his guests. Sister-in-law hates brother-in-law Brother-in-law and the guest went home. She pretended to finish the soup, scraped the pot with a spoon, and the guest left. Later, I saw that there was soup in the pot, and my great-grandfather hated my sister-in-law from then on. Gaozu became emperor and enfeoffed his brother, but not his eldest brother's son. Emperor Taizong pleaded for his grandson, and Gaozu said, "I didn't forget to seal him, because his mother is so unlike his elders." That's why she named her son Hou Li. Make the second brother Zhong the acting king.
In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu, after Han Xin, the king of Chu, was arrested in Chen County, he made his brother the king of Chu and made his capital Pengcheng. He died in the twenty-third year of his reign, and his son wangyi succeeded him to the throne. King Iraq died four years in office, and his son Wu Wang succeeded him.
Wu Wang ascended the throne for 20 years. In winter, because he committed a private crime during the mourning for Empress Bo, the fief of Donghai County was cut down. The following spring, Wu and the king of Wu conspired to rebel, but his prime minister and his teacher refused to listen. E killed, and the prince of Wu rose up, marched to the west and seized the Jing wall. South of Changyi, Han went to war with Zhou Yafu. The Han army cut off the route for providing foodstuff for Wu and Chu army, and the soldiers were in a panic. The king of Wu failed and the king of Chu committed suicide, so Wu and Chu army surrendered to the Han army.
The Han army put down the rebellion in Wu Chu, and Emperor Xiaojing wanted the son of De Houguang to inherit the throne of Wu and the son of Chu. Dou Taihou said, "The prince of Wu, the older generation, should be loyal to the imperial clan and do good deeds and accumulate virtue. Now he is leading the rebellion of seven countries and disturbing the world. Why should he continue his descendants? " It is not allowed to establish the descendants of the king of Wu, only the descendants of the established descendants are allowed. At that time, the ceremony was Zong Zheng in the Han Dynasty, so it was named King Chu, which was a ancestral temple dedicated to the Yuan King. This is King Chu Wen.
Wen died three years ago, and his son Ann Wang Dao succeeded him. King Ann died in the twenty-second year of his reign, and his son Wang Jian succeeded him as king. Wang Xiang died in the 14th year of his reign, and his son Wang Chun succeeded him. After Wang Chun succeeded to the throne, in the second year of Di Jie, the eunuch wrote a letter to the king of Chu, who committed suicide. Abolish the title, the fief belongs to Han, and it is changed to Pengcheng County.
Liu Sui, the king of Zhao, is a famous friend, and his father is in the middle among the sons of Gaozu. Posthumous title is "secluded". Wang You died of grief, so posthumous title was called "you". After Gao, Zhao was made king and died one year after Gao. The prime minister killed the Lushi family and made the son of Zhao Wang.
Emperor Xiaowen ascended the throne for two years, and Li Suidi broke the border and cut Hejian County of Zhao as Hejian King. This is King Wen. After thirteen years in office, he died of illness, and his son mourned the succession of his father. Fu died for a year, childless, abolished the title after his death, and the fief returned to Han.
He has been the king of Zhao for twenty-six years. When honoring Jingdi, Chao Cuo cut off his Changshan County because of his mistakes. When Wu and Chu rebelled, Zhao Wang conspired with them to revolt. His prime minister, Jiande, and the king of literature and history fought against him. Don't listen. They burned Jiande and Wang Han to death, and sent troops to the western border of Zhao, hoping to go west with Wu Jun. And sent people north to the Huns, trying to unite the Huns to attack the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty sent Zhou to attack Zhao. Zhao Wang returned to Handan and confronted him for seven months. Wu Chu's two armies were defeated by Liang, so they could not go west. When the Huns heard the news, they stopped sending troops and refused to enter the Han border. When they returned to Zhao from the front, he and Li sent troops to divert water to Zhao. The capital of Zhao was destroyed by water, and Handan surrendered. King You of Zhao beheaded his descendants.
Taishi Gong said: If a country wants to rise, it must have a good omen, and gentlemen will reuse it, while villains will drive it away. When the country was about to perish, the sages abdicated and the rebels became dignitaries. If the king of Chu did not punish Shen Gong and listened to him, and the king of Zhao appointed Mr. Yu Fang, how could there be a plot to usurp power and kill him? Sage. Sage. How can a king with immoral nature appoint you? This is so important! "The national security lies in the laws promulgated, and the survival of the country lies in the appointed ministers", which is quite right.
Su Yuan said:
As the saying goes, "one person gets the word, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." Gaozu and Sifang attacked Qin, which was better than Sifang. They made him king, and Wu Wang has made him king for generations.
Wealth, no pains, no gratitude, no self-protection, no restraint, no introspection, deep resentment and rebellion.
Zhang Shang and Zhao Yiwu, a teacher, protested and killed him. He will attack the emperor and finally commit suicide.
Man, don't be greedy, too much will do harm to people.