Lishu can be divided into four categories: one is Founder Gu Zhuo; Second, strict statutes; The third is the strange class; The fourth is graceful and charming. Such as the portraits of Li, Shi Mensong, General Cao Zhen, Li Yue Monument, Liang Wang Monument and Monument. These monuments have their own merits.
But as far as beginners are concerned, they can choose one of the many steles as the focus, and it is best to choose the stele with straight strokes first. This is because the practice of official script is the same as that of block letters. Mastering the structure is the foundation, and it is also very important to practice the structure of official script. As long as the knot is practiced first, the structure of official script can be established and laid the foundation.
Difficulties in China's calligraphy;
The biggest difficulty in China's calligraphy is stippling and composition. Small print written with a small pen is usually written with a nib. It is not difficult to make a subtle stippling, but the big characters are different. They basically use the pen head, the pen belly and the pen root, which means that the big characters are in place with the whole pen, so there are problems with the use and habits of tools when writing some pictures.
Then there is the structure of the knot. People sitting at the table can have a panoramic view of the paper, so this is not a problem when writing small characters. When writing big characters, they have to bend down and stand up to observe the paper. To write a word, they must know the length and thickness of strokes, which is the biggest test for calligraphers to write big characters.