Zhong You is the founder of regular script (lower case), and his calligraphy works are listed as "excellent" or "above the top grade" by later generations. Zhong You played an important role in the emergence, development and evolution of China's calligraphy. Zhong You is good at seal script, official script, official script and cursive script, among which regular script, official script and official script are the main ones, and the best one is regular script. Wang Xizhi studied under Mrs. Wei when she was a child, and Mrs. Wei worshipped Zhong You as a teacher when she was a child. He praised Mrs. Wei's calligraphy: "The ice of the jade pot is broken, the moon of the Yao platform is rotten, graceful as a tree, and cool as the wind."
During the Cao and Wei Dynasties in the Three Kingdoms, the average life expectancy was only over 20 years old, and Zhong You lived to 79 years old. He not only writes well in calligraphy, but also makes great achievements in politics. This official is a teacher, and he was appointed as Dingling Hou. He led troops to fight with outstanding achievements, and his prototype was found in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhong You was brilliant and handsome when he was young. The fortune teller said that his face was rich, and his father was very happy. He praised him. Money was tight for him, so that he could concentrate on his studies.
Zhong You, the only calligrapher in the history of calligraphy, is as famous as Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy. Later generations called him "Zhong Wang". Zhong You, Zhang Zhi, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, the sage of grass, are also called "Four Sages in Books". As we all know, a person can be measured by "xian", which is a high praise for talents. You must have not only the talents of civil and military affairs, but also the talents of both ability and political integrity in order to go down in history.
Zhong You is such a master in many fields, and many people envy him. In the history of calligraphy, Zhong You is also an extremely diligent and obsessed person. The existing calligraphy works of Zhong You are basically works that reflect the earliest form of ancient regular script in China after the running script gradually became regular script. Among them, the representative ones are Hejie Table, Recommended Quarterly Table and Declaration Form.