Writing-Su Dongpo said: "There is no fixed way to put pen to paper, so it should be open-minded." Five-finger pen holding method: hold the pen holder with the fingertips of thumb and forefinger (appropriate height) to ensure that the pen holder does not fall off; The middle finger is placed on the outside of the pen under the index finger, which not only strengthens the power of the index finger to pinch the pen, but also plays the role of hooking the pen in; When the nail of the ring finger touches the inside of the pen, it plays the role of pushing the pen outward; The little finger is attached to the lower part of the finger belly of the ring finger to help the ring finger push the pen outward. When holding a pen, as the ancients said, it is convenient to carry a pen. When learning books, you should often practice holding the pen, returning the hook, pushing out and rotating the pen holder (plus the role of the wrist) and drawing straight lines and arcs. The level of writing and whether to hang your wrist or elbow depends on the size of the written words. Small print low, wrist pillow. Hold high the big characters and hang your wrists; No matter how big you are, you need to hang your elbow.
Calligraphy is a line modeling art. The so-called brushwork mainly talks about how to shape ideal lines (stippling).
Lift and press-write by the pen, the strokes will be thick, just lift it. Just like a person's walking feet, one falls and the other rises, constantly alternating, and the pen keeps pressing in the process of writing. Only in this way can lines with different thicknesses be produced.
Every time you write a stroke, there are three processes: input, writing and receiving. There is a method of "exposing the front" to make the pen tip sharp or square; There is a method of "hiding the front", in which the front enters the pen, the horizontal painting wants to be straight first, and the vertical painting wants to be down first, so that the front of the pen is hidden in the stroke, and the beginning of the stroke is basically round. Learn to "use the pen from the middle" when writing, so that the front tip often runs in the middle of the strokes. In order to make strokes more powerful, we should learn to use the pen unsmiling, leaving lines in the middle and lines in the middle to avoid glitz. There are "exposed front" (the pen is gradually lifted off the paper, drawing a sharp point, such as hanging the needle vertically, skimming, pressing and hooking) and "hidden front" (the pen tip is retracted into the painting, such as hanging vertically, and the pen tail is round).
Knot-also known as knot or shelf structure. Mr. Qi Gong once pointed out that to write a brush, it is necessary to grasp the structure of the pen holder and practice the characteristics of strokes. Frame structure is more important than stippling. Words with good spacing are not prominent in stroke characteristics and pleasing to the eye; Not the other way around. Therefore, it is very important to study and master the structural rules of words carefully. The so-called "beginner distribution, but seeking fairness".
Learning to write should start with regular script or official script. After mastering all kinds of brushwork, you will have the foundation to learn other calligraphy styles. Sticking is a necessary means to practice good handwriting. If you don't stick to your post, you can't write it yourself Learning to write Chinese calligraphy requires perseverance, perseverance, arrogance and rashness, and it can't get cold all at once. People often say: "As long as you work hard, the iron pestle is ground into a needle".
I also learned to write Chinese calligraphy when I was a child. I think besides practicing more, posture is also important. . . In addition, if you exercise more and have good arm strength, the words you write will look good ~ ~ ~