The etiquette is not king and does not follow. The king follows the origin of his ancestors and matches it with his ancestors. The princes and their great ancestors. When a great official has a big event, he will save it for his lord, Qian Zhen and his great ancestor.
In the field of animal husbandry, it was a major event for King Wu. After the matter was over, he retired, gave firewood to God, prayed to the community, and set up a memorial ceremony for the pastoral room. Then he led the princes of the world, holding bean paste, and ran around in pursuit of the king. My father, Wang Jili, and Wen Wangchang, did not condescend to those who respected them.
You, the supreme ruler, are my ancestors. When you govern your descendants, you should be close to them. When he was in charge of Kundi, he united the clan with food, ordered Zhao and Miao, and separated them with etiquette and righteousness. The way of humanity was exhausted.
The sage faces the south and listens to the world. There are five first ones, but the people don't agree with them: the first is to manage relatives, the second is to reward merit, the third is to promote talents, the fourth is to enable people, and the fifth is to preserve love. Once the five are obtained in the world, the people will have no shortage and no one will be unable to support them. Five things are wrong, and the people will not die. When a sage looks south to rule the world, he must start from the path of humanity. Establishing powers and measures, examining articles, correcting new ideas, changing clothes and colors, special emblems, different weapons, and different clothes, these are the gains that are used to transform the people. There are those who cannot be changed! They are Qinqin, Zunzun, Chang, and there are differences between men and women. This is why they cannot be changed by the people.
People with the same surname belong to the same clan and belong to the same clan. Different surnames govern social gatherings, famous works, and men and women are different. The husband is of the father's way, and the wife is of the mother's way. If the husband belongs to the son's way, his wife also belongs to the wife's way. The person who is called the wife of the younger brother is the sister-in-law, who can also be called the mother? The famous person is the one who governs the great people, so can we be careless?
For four generations, I have been poor, and I have been poor for five generations. , killing people with the same surname, the sixth generation of relatives has been exhausted. The common people's surnames are different from those above, but their relatives are from the lower ones. Can they be connected through marriage? They are not differentiated by their surnames, and they are not distinguished by their food. Although there are people who have been unable to connect through marriages for hundreds of years, this is the way of Zhou Dynasty.
There are six obedience techniques: one is kissing, the second is respecting, the third is name, the fourth is going in and out, the fifth is growing up, and the sixth is obeying.
There are six types of obedience: some are subordinates, some are disciples, some are obedient but not obedient, some are obedient but not obedient, some are heavy but light, and some are light but heavy.
Self-benevolence leads relatives, and others go up to the ancestors, which is called Qing. Self-righteousness leads the ancestors, and it comes down to you. It is called Chong. One is light and the other is heavy, and its meaning is right.
The king has a way to unite the clan, and the clansmen are not allowed to have relatives with him. Qi, the throne.
If a concubine does not sacrifice, his lineage will be clear. A concubine cannot be the eldest son for three years without succeeding his ancestors. The other son is the ancestor, the successor is the sect, and the one who succeeds you is the small sect. There are sects that will not move for a hundred generations, and there are sects that will move after five generations. Those who never move for a hundred generations will be the ones who will be followed by other children. Those who follow the footsteps of his other sons are those who will never move for a hundred generations. The one who followed the great ancestor was the one who moved after the fifth generation. Respecting ancestors means respecting ancestors. Respecting ancestors means respecting ancestors.
There are small sects but no big sects, there are big sects but no small sects, there are no sects and there are no sects, and this is the case for the master.
The prince has his ancestral line. The prince’s ancestral lineage is the common people of the scholar-bureaucrats.
There is no transference among all clans, only those who are close belong to them.
Be benevolent and lead relatives, wait and go to the ancestors. Self-righteousness leads the ancestors, and they come down to you. This is why people are close to each other, to be close to relatives is to respect the ancestors, to respect the ancestors is to respect the clan, to respect the clan is to collect the clan, to collect the clan is to be strict with the ancestral temple, to be strict with the ancestral temple is to respect the country, to respect the country is to love the people, to love the people is to punish them, to punish the common people Peace, the people are safe, so the wealth is sufficient, the wealth is sufficient, so a hundred ambitions are achieved, a hundred ambitions are fulfilled, so the rituals, customs and punishments, the rituals, customs and punishments then lead to happiness. The poem goes: "If you don't show off and don't inherit, you won't show off to others." ?This is what is called.