How about Mei Feng Street Tangpu Primary School in Jieyang Airport Economic Zone?

Tangpu Primary School in Mei Feng Street, Jieyang Airport Economic Zone is registered in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, and its registered address is located in Tangpu Village, Mei Feng Street, Jieyang Airport Economic Zone.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Tangpu Primary School in Mei Feng Street of Jieyang Airport Economic Zone is12445200g18563844l, and Huang Xuhui, an enterprise legal person, is currently in business.

The business scope of Tangpu Primary School in Mei Feng Street of Jieyang Airport Economic Zone is to undertake primary education, implement compulsory primary education and promote the development of basic education.

See more information and materials of Tangpu Primary School in Mei Feng Street of Jieyang Airport Economic Zone through Aiqi.