He was once as famous as Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan and Wen Zhiming, but few people know him now.

The last of the four Wumen families is Wang Chong. Wang Chong, like Wang Chong, is known as Yayishan. Like Tang Bohu, his father was a hotel owner, and both of them knew how to engage in quality education. Since childhood, he made Wang Chong close to literati, and invited Wen Zhiming's friends Shen Mingzhi and Cai Yu to be teachers of Wang Chong and his brother Wang Shou. Wang Chong's brothers are all talented. Wang Chong became a student in Suzhou before he was 2 years old. What is the situation of the government student staff? Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, felt that education was affected by the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, so he wrote a letter to set up a government-run school in the seat of the government, state and county government offices nationwide to recruit "handsome folk" and "children of officials", and the quota of government students is 4, state students are 3 and county students are 2-Wang Chong's is equivalent to the top class of provincial key middle schools (actually more difficult than this). Wang Chong is among the best in poetry and calligraphy in daily assessment, and he is an out-and-out "academic bully". Many people ask him for advice and pass the imperial examination smoothly after getting his guidance. What is embarrassing is that Wang Chong can't take the imperial examination himself. From the age of 17 to 38, Wang Chong took part in eight imperial examinations and failed. The same experience made him friends with Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhiming, Tang Bohu and others-the so-called four gifted scholars are actually frustrated people in the imperial examination, he is my brother! And Wang Chong's son married Tang Bohu's daughter, and they became in-laws. The calligraphy of Wang Chong, the four great talents, also came from hard practice. He studied and studied calligraphy in Shihu, Suzhou for 2 years. He never went into the city unless he visited relatives and friends. It took five years to visit the famous writers in Mojin and Tang Dynasties and laid a solid foundation. He followed the example of Zhong You, Erwang (Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi), Zhiyong and Yu Shinan, and pursued the Tang Dynasty with the law and the Jin Dynasty with rhyme. His running script learns from Wang Xianzhi and Zhu Yunming, but it also blends into his own diluted and calm temperament, forming his personal characteristics of being clever in the middle and clumsy in the middle and elegant in Gu Zhuo. This style of Wang Chong changed the gentle and charming style of calligraphy at that time, and deeply influenced later Xu Wei, Huang Daozhou and others, and was one of the main forces of the Wumen School of Calligraphy. Someone once commented on him: Wang Xizhi was swift in Mi Fei, correct in Zhao Mengfu, rich in Wang Duo and scattered in Wang Chong. -in this way, in terms of charm, Wang Chong learned best from Wang Xizhi. Unfortunately, Wang Chong died young and only lived to be 4 years old, which also led to his calligraphy not being promoted to a higher level, but even so, he was rated as "after Hengshan (Wen Zhiming), and Wang Yayi should be the first in calligraphy". Wang Chong's representative works mainly include You Bao Shan Ji, Cao Shu Album, Wu Yi Ge from the Book, Wu Yan Lv Shi, Xue Fu, Yue Fu, Shi Hu Ba Jue Ju and so on. You Bao Shan Ji, Zi Shu Wu Yi Ge, Xue Fu, Shi Hu Ba Jue Ju, This article is a series of articles about the history of interesting Chinese calligraphy, and it only takes one minute every day to get a lifetime of artistic accomplishment. Please pay attention, read the previous articles to get more interesting knowledge and prompt updates in time. Please indicate the source of the reprint, and welcome the publishing house to contact me.