What is the shortcut key to adjust the cursor size in cad! ?

That's all. Take good care of it.

The following lists the most commonly used shortcut keys in PhotoShop, hoping to bring convenience to friends who often use PhotoShop.

Cancel the current command: Esc;;

Tool palette: Enter; ;

Palette adjustment: Shift+Tab;; ;

Exit the system: ctrl+q;

Get help: f1;

Cut selection area: F2/CTRL+X;

Copy selection area: F3/CTRL+C;

Paste selection area: F4/CTRL+V;

Show or close the brush palette: F5;

Show or close the color palette: F6;

Show or close the layer panel: F7;

Show or close the information palette: F8;

Show or close the action palette: F9;

Show or close palettes, status bars, and toolboxes: Tab. ;

Select all: ctrl+a;

Adverse selection: shift+ctrl+I;

Deselect area: ctrl+d;

Select area to move: arrow keys;

Convert a layer to a selection: Ctrl ++ Click the working layer;

The selection area is moved in pixels of 10: Shift+ arrow keys;

Copy selection area: Alt ++ arrow keys;

Fill as foreground color: Alt+Delete;; ;

Fill with background color: Ctrl+Delete;; ;

Color scale adjustment tool: ctrl+l;

Adjust the color balance: ctrl+b;

Adjust hue/saturation: ctrl+u;

Free deformation: ctrl+t;

Increase the size of the pen: "brackets";

Reduce the size of the pen: "brackets";

Select the largest pen: Shift++ "bracket";

Select the smallest pen: Shift++ "bracket";

Reuse filter: ctrl+f;

Move to the next level: Ctrl++ "brackets";

Line to the next level: Ctrl++ "brackets";

Move to the front layer: Shift+Ctrl++ "brackets";

Move to the bottom: Shift+Ctrl++ "brackets";

Activate the previous layer: Alt++ "bracket";

Activate the next layer: Alt++ "bracket";

Merge visible layers: shift+ctrl+e;

Enlarge the window: ctrl+"+";

Shrink the window: Ctrl+"-";-";

Zoom in: Ctrl ++ SPACEBAR+mouse click;

Shrinking part: Alt+ space bar+mouse click;

Turn to view: pageup/pagedown; ;

Show or hide ruler: ctrl+r;

Show or hide the dotted line: ctrl+h;

Show or hide the grid: Ctrl++ ".

Open file: ctrl+o;

Close the file: ctrl+w;

File saving: ctrl+s;

Print file: ctrl+p;

Revert to the previous step: ctrl+z


CorelDRAW's shortcut key

Displays the Navigator window.

Editor for running Visual Basic applications+

Save current drawing+

Open the Edit Text dialog box++

Erase a part of a graph or divide an object into two closed paths.

Undo the last operation+

Undo the last operation+

Align the center of the selected object with the vertical distance+

Align the center of the selected object with the vertical diffusion+

Align the center of the selected object vertically.

Change Text to Vertical Layout (Toggle)+

Open an existing drawing document+

Print current drawing+

Open the Dimension Tool Roller Shutter+

Run the zoom action and return to the previous tool.

Run the zoom action and return to the previous tool.

Export text or objects to another format+

Import text or objects+

Bring the selected object to the bottom+

Put the selected object at the back+

Bring the selected object to the front+

Bring the selected object to the front+

Move the selected object to the right+

Send the selected object to the left+

Align text with baseline+

Align objects with the grid (toggle)+

Align the center of the selected object with the center of the page.

Draw a symmetrical polygon

Split the selected object+

Align the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the stage+

Align the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the page+

Open the envelope tool shutter+

Open the Symbols and Special Characters Tool Roller Blinds+

Copy the selected item to the clipboard+

Copy the selected item to the clipboard+

Format text attribute+

Resume the last undo operation++

Cut the selected object and put it on the clipboard+

Cut the selected object and put it on the clipboard+

Reduce the font size to the previous font size setting. +Keyboard

Apply a gradient fill to an object

Combine selected objects+

Draw a rectangle; Double-click this tool to create a page frame.

Open the Contour Pen dialog box.

Open the contour tool roller blind+

Draw a spiral; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog box.

Start the spelling checker; Check the spelling of the selected text+

Toggle+between the current tool and the pick tool.

Deselect a group of objects or groups of objects+

Displays a full-screen preview of the drawing.

Combine selected objects+

Delete the selected object.

Align the selected objects.

Reduce the font size to the font size list+the last available setting in the keyboard.

Go to the previous page

Move the lens up relative to the painting+

Generate a "property bar" and aim at the first visible item that can be marked with+

Open the view manager tool shutter+

Switch between the two most recently used view quality+

Draw lines and curves in freehand mode.

Use this tool to pan the drawing by clicking and dragging.

Displays the properties of an object or tool according to the current option or tool+

Refresh the current drawing window+

Align the center of the selected object horizontally.

Change the text arrangement to horizontal direction+

Open zoom tool shutter+

Enlarges all objects to the maximum.

Zoom the selected object to the maximum+

Shrink the shapes in the drawing.

Add padding to the object; Click and drag the object to fill the fountain.

Open the lens tool roller blind+

Open the graphics and text style tool shutter+

Exit CorelDRAW and prompt to save the active graphic+

Draw ellipses and circles

Draw a rectangular group

Convert an object to a grid-filled object.

Open the positioning tool shutter+

Add text (click to add "WordArt"; Drag to add paragraph text)

Align the selected object below.

Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list+Keyboard 6

Go to the next page

Move the lens down relative to the painting+

Contains the function of specifying the linear dimension line property+

Add/Remove Bullets of Text Objects (Toggle) +M

Places the selected objects in the next position in the stacked order of the objects+

Places the selected object in the previous position in the object stacking order+

Use hyperfine factor to fine-tune the object up+

Fine tuning object

Fine-tune an object with a fine-tuning factor+

Use the hyperfine factor to fine-tune the object down+

Fine-tune the object down

Use the spin factor to spin the object down+

Use the super spinner to fine-tune the object+to the right.

Fine-tune the object to the right

Use the spinner to fine-tune the object+to the right.

Use the Super Fine Factor to fine-tune the object+to the left.

Fine-tune the object to the left

Use the spin factor to spin the object+to the left.

Create a new drawing document+

Edit the node of the object; Double-click the tool to open the node Edit Roller Blinds.

Open the "Rotary Tool Roller Shutter"+

Opens the dialog box for setting CorelDRAW option+


Open the outline color dialog box+

Apply Uniform Fill+to an object

Show the entire printable page+

Align the selected object to the right.

Move the lens to the right relative to the painting+

Reproduces the selected object and offsets it by the specified distance+

Increase the font size to the next font size setting. +Keyboard

Paste the contents of the clipboard into the drawing+

Paste the contents of the clipboard into the drawing+

Start "What's this?" Help+

Repeat the previous operation+

Convert WordArt to paragraph text and vice versa+

Convert the selected object to curve+

Convert Contour to Object++

Use fixed width, pressure sensing, calligraphy style or preset "natural pen" style to draw curves.

Align the selected object to the left.

Move the lens to the left relative to the painting+

text editing

Displays a list of all available/active HTML font sizes++

Change the text alignment to Unaligned+

Find the specified text in the painting+

Change the text style to bold+

Change the text alignment to scatter the text within line width+

Change the case of the selected text+

Reduce the font size to the previous font size setting. +Keyboard

Change the text alignment to center alignment+

Change the text alignment to justified+

Change all text characters to small uppercase characters++

Delete the word+to the right of the text caret.

Delete the character to the right of the text caret.

Reduce the font size to the font size list+the last available setting in the keyboard.

Move the text caret up one paragraph+

Move the text caret up one text box.

Move the text caret up one line.

Add/Delete Suffix Format of Text Objects (Toggle)++

Select the text tab to open the options dialog box+

Change the text style to underline style+

Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list+keyboard.

Move the text caret down one paragraph+

Moves the text caret down one text box.

Move the text caret down one line.

Display non-printing characters++

Up++ Select a paragraph of text.

Select a text box up+

Up+Select a line of text.

Up++ Select a paragraph of text.

Select a text box up+

Up+Select a line of text.

Select a paragraph of text to move down++.

Down+Select a text box.

Down+Select a line of text.

Change the text style to italic+

Select the text at the end of the text++

Select the text that starts with text++

Select the text at the beginning of the text box++

Select the text at the end of the text box++

Select the text at the beginning of the line+

Select the text at the end of the line+

Select the word++to the right of the text caret.

Select the character+to the right of the text caret.

Select the word++to the left of the text caret.

Select the character+to the left of the text caret.

Show a list of all painting styles++

Move the text caret to the beginning of the text+

Move the text caret to the end of the text box +End

Move the text caret to the beginning of the text box+

Move the text caret to the beginning of the line

Move the text caret to the end of the line

Move the text caret to the end of the text+

Change the text alignment to right alignment+

Move the text caret to the right by one word+

Moves the text caret one character to the right.

Increase the font size to the next font size setting. +Keyboard

Show a list of all available/active font weights++

Show a list of all available/active font sizes++

Displays a list containing all available/active fonts++

Change the text alignment to left alignment+

Move the text caret to the left by one word+

Moves the text caret one character to the left.

CAD shortcut list

Create a three-dimensional array 3A

Create a three-dimensional surface 3F

Create a polyline 3P composed of straight line segments in 3D space.

Aligns an object with other objects in 2D and 3D space.

Loading AutoLISP, ADS and ARX application AP

Create arc a

Calculate the area and perimeter AA of an object or defined area.

Creates a copy of multiple objects arranged in a specified way.

Management function for executing external database commands.

Output the link information AEX of the selected object.

Manage links between objects and external databases.

Display and edit tabular data, and create links and selection sets ARO.

Create selection sets from rows linked to text selection sets and graphic selection sets.

Execute the structured query language (SQL) statement ASQ.

Create attribute definition -AT

Change attribute information independently of block definition -ATE

Fill the closed area h or BH with a pattern.

Create a block definition from the selected object B.

Define block b with dialog box

Create a region or polyline BO with a closed area.

Create an area or polyline with a closed area (using the command line) -BO

Partially delete an object or divide it into two parts BR

Chamfering object

Modify the properties of an existing object

Draw a circle c according to the center of the circle and the diameter or radius

Copy object CO or CP

Create attribute definitions in the following locations

Edit the variable attribute ATE of a single block

Modify the color, layer, line type and thickness CH of the object.

Set the color of the new object

Edit text and attribute definitions

Show grips and set color groups.

Create and modify dimension style d

Insert a square or another shape i.

Control the characteristics of existing objects to maintain objects.

Modify the object name as

Set the drawing aid RM

Set the object selection mode se

Manage defined user coordinate systems.

Select the preset user coordinate system UCP.

Controls the display format and accuracy of coordinates and angles.

Create and restore view v

Set the three-dimensional observation direction VP

Create an aligned linear dimension DAL or DIMALI.

Create an angular dimension DAN or DIMANG

Mark DBA or DIMBASE continuously from the first extension line of the previous or selected label.

Create center marks or centerline DCE of circles and arcs.

DCO or dimension control is continuously marked on the second extension line of the previous or selected dimension.

Create diameter dimensions DDI or DIMDIA for circles and arcs.

Edit size increase or decrease

Create a linear dimension DLI or Dimling.

Create coordinate point label DOR or DIMORD

Replace the annotation system variable DOV or Dimov.

Create radius dimension DRA or DIMRAD for circles and arcs.

Create and modify dimension styles DST or DIMSTY on the command line.

Move and rotate dimension text

Measure the distance and angle di between two points.

Split point objects or blocks at equal intervals along the length or perimeter of the object.

Draw solid circles and rings?

Modify the display order of images and other objects.

Open the bird's eye view window AV.

Display DT on the screen when entering text.

Define a parallel projection or perspective DV

Create an ellipse or elliptical arc EL

Delete object e from the drawing.

Decomposition of composite objects into object components x

Save the object EXP in another file format.

Extend one object to another.

Create a 3D solid extension by stretching an existing 2D object.

Fillet the object with fillet F.

When selecting related objects according to their characteristics, create a filter list fi to be used.

Creates a named selection set g of objects.

Use the command line to create a selection set -G

Fill the specified boundary area with pattern H.

Modify an existing hatch object

When reproducing a 3D model, the HIdden line hi is not displayed.

Insert the image im into AutoCAD graphics files in various formats.

Insert an image using the command line -IM.

Controls the brightness, contrast and gradient IAD of the selected image.

Defines a new image object IAT and attaches it to the current drawing.

Create a new clipping boundary ICL for a single image object.

Import files such as 3DS/DXF/EPS /SAT/WMF into AutoCAD.

Inserts a named block or drawing into the current drawing.

Insert linked or embedded object IO

Find out the interference areas of two or more three-dimensional entities, and create a three-dimensional combined entity INF with common parts.

Create a composite entity or region from the intersection of two or more entities or regions.

Management la

Execute the LAYER command on the command line -LA.

Create a leader to connect the annotation with the geometric feature le or leader.

Slender object l

Create, load, and set linetypes

Use the command line to create, load and set linetypes -LT

Displays the database information LI or LS of the selected object.

Set the linear scale factor LTS.

Copy the characteristics of one object to several other objects.

Put me on a point object or square at a specified interval.

Create a mirror copy of the object mi

Create multiline ML

Moves the object m in the specified direction by the specified distance.

Switch from paper space to model space viewport in milliseconds.

Create multiline text t or MT

Use the command line -T to create multiline text

Create a floating viewport and open an existing floating viewport MV.

Create equidistant lines of objects, such as concentric circles, parallel lines and parallel curves.

Set the running object capture mode and modify the target frame size OS

Use the command line to set the running object capture mode and modify the target frame size -OS.

Move the graph p displayed in the current viewport.

Use the command line to move viewport -P p.

Insert clipboard data and control data format PA

Edit polylines and 3D polygonal meshes

Create 2D polyline PL

Print the drawing to a plotter, printer or file.

Create point object po

Create a regular polygon pol represented by a polyline

Customize the setting of AutoCAD system parameters

Display the effect of graphic preprint.

Switch from model space viewport to paper space PS

Delete unused named objects in the database, such as blocks or layers PU.

Exit AutoCAD exit

Draw a rectangular polyline rec

Refresh and display the current viewport.

Refresh and display all viewports.

Regenerates the drawing and refreshes the current viewport.

Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports REA.

Creates a zone object reg from a selected set of existing objects.

Modify object name-Ren

Create a realistic rendered image RR of a 3D wireframe or solid model.

Rotate a 2D object along an axis to create a solid rev.

Rotate the object RO around the base point.

Set the rendering system configuration RPR.

Enlarge or reduce the object SC in equal proportion in the x, y and z directions.

Execute a series of commands SCR from the script file.

Create a region section by intersecting a cutting plane and a solid.

List system variables and modify variable value sets.

Displays the SHAded image sha of the current viewport graph.

Cutting a group of solid SL with plane

Specifies that the cursor moves SN at specified intervals.

Create a 2D filled polygon to

Check the spelling of the text in the drawing.

Create a quadratic or cubic spline spl

Edit spline objects

Move or stretch an object.

Create a naming style ST

Create a combined area or entity SU using a difference set.

Calibrate, configure, turn on and turn off the installed digitizer TA.

Sets the thickness th of the current 3D solid.

Control access to paper space and control viewport behavior.

Create Geometric Tolerances Dimensional Tolerances

Show, hide and customize toolbars to

To create a torus solid

Trim the object TR with trimming edges defined by other objects.

Create a combined area or entity through a joint operation.

Set the display format and precision of coordinates and angles -UN

Saving and restoring named views -V

Set the viewing direction of the 3D orthogonal view of the drawing -VP

Write the block object into a new drawing file w

Create a 3D solid so that the tip of its slope is in the positive direction of the X axis.

Attach an xref to XA in the current drawing.

Binding xref dependency symbols to drawing XB

Use the command line to execute the XBINDW command -XB.

Defines an external reference or block clipping boundary, and sets the front clipping plane and the back clipping plane XC.

Create an infinitely long line called reference line XL.

Controls the xref xr in the drawing.

Use the command line to execute the XREF command -XR.

Enlarges or reduces the appearance dimension z of the current viewport object.


Cad shortcut

Keyboard notes Keyboard notes

Intersecting arcs.

AA area (measured area) L line (drawn line)

Array LA layer (create layer)

ATT Attribute (Define Attribute) Leadership (Quick Leadership Tab)

ATE ATTEDIT (edit attribute) length (lengthen)

B block (definition block) LI list (list)

BH BHATCH LT line type (set line type)

Brdisconnect LTS LTSCALE.

C circle m moves

CH attribute MA MATCHPROP (attribute matching)

CHA chamfer ME measurement

COL COLOR (change the color of the object) MI MIRROR (mirror)

CO COPY (copy) ML MLINE (draw multiple lines)

D DIMSTYLE (set column style) MT MTEXT (multi-line text)


DAN DIMANGULAR OP option (system settings)


DCE DIMCENTER P pan (view translation)

DCO DIMCONTINUE (continuous dimension) PE PEDIT (complex line editing)

Dddidim diameter line (composite line)

Delete dimension (dimension editing) purchasing point (drawing point)

Di DIST (measuring distance) POL polygon (drawing regular polygon)

DIV split preview (view preview)

DLI DIMLINEAR print (print)

DO DONUT (circle) R REDRAW (redraw)

Dordim ordinal number (coordinate annotation) regeneration (regeneration)


DR. draw order()REN RENAME (rename)

DRA dim radius RO rotation (rotation)

DS data setting s extension

DT DTEXT (dynamic text) SC scale (scaling)

E erasure serial number capture (grid point capture)

ED DDEDIT() SPL spline (drawing spline curve)

EL ELLIPSE SPE SPLINEKIT (edit spline curve)

Expand ST style (set text style)

Exit exits multiline text (multiline text)

EXP Export to Toolbar (Call Toolbar)

F fillet TR trimming

Group G United Nations unit (setting unit)

HATCHEDIT (shadow editing) W WBLOCK (block saving)

I Insert (Insert Block) Z Zoom (View Zoom)

IMP IMPORT (import)

The classic AutoCAD 2000 Shortcut Keys is worth collecting.

Use of AutoCAD 2000 shortcut commands

AutoCAD is the first choice for engineering designers all over the world, and its simplicity and accuracy are two important reasons for its success. There are many commands provided by AutoCAD, and only 20% of them are commonly used in drawing. When using keyboard to input commands, some commonly used commands are long, such as BHATCH and EXPLODE, and there are many keystrokes when inputting, which affects the drawing speed. Although Auto CAD provides a perfect menu and toolbar input method, only by mastering the shortcut command input method provided by AutoCAD can we improve the drawing speed.

In the process of studying AutoCAD design, training and teaching, the author has accumulated some experience in the use and management of shortcut commands, which is now summarized for your reference when using AutoCAD 2000.

I. Overview:

The so-called shortcut command is a shortcut defined by AutoCAD to improve the drawing speed. It uses one or several simple letters instead of common commands, so that we don't have to memorize many long commands, and we don't have to search for hiding in menus and toolbars in order to execute a command. All defined shortcut commands are saved in ACAD. PGP file in the SUPPORT subdirectory under AutoCAD installation directory. We can define our common shortcut commands by modifying the contents of this file.

Whenever we create or open an AutoCAD drawing file, CAD itself will automatically search the support path under the installation directory, find and read the ACAD. PGP file. When AutoCAD is running, we can use the shortcut commands defined in ACAD. PGP file completes an operation through the command line. For example, if we want to draw a straight line, we just need to enter the letter "L" on the command line.

Second, the naming rules of shortcut commands

1, shortcut commands are usually the first or the first two letters of the English word of the command, and some are the first three letters.

For example, the shortcut command for Line is "l"; The shortcut command for copying is "co"; The shortcut command for line LTScale is "LTS".

In use, try to use the first letter of the command. If not, use the first two letters, and use the first three letters at most. In other words, AutoCAD shortcut commands generally do not exceed three letters. If the command cannot use the first three letters, you can only enter the complete command.

2. Another shortcut command usually consists of "Ctrl key+one letter" or is defined by function key F 1~F8. For example, CTRL+"N", CTRL+"O", CTRL+"S" and CTRL+"P" respectively mean creating, opening, saving and printing files; F3 stands for "Object Capture".

3. If the initials of all commands are the same, then the common commands take the first letter, and other commands can be represented by the first two or three letters. For example, "r" means repainting, and "ra" means repainting; ; For example, "l" stands for straight line, "LT" stands for line type and "LTS" stands for LTScale.

4. Some exceptions need to be remembered, such as "DDEDIT" is not "DD" but "ED"; And "AA" means area, "T" means multi-line text, and "X" means explosion.

Third, the definition of shortcut command

As mentioned earlier, all shortcut commands defined by AutoCAD are saved in ACAD. PGP file. ACAD。 PGP is a plain text file. Users can EDIT it with ASC text editor (such as Edit in DOS) or directly with Notepad in WINDOWS attachment. Users can add some shortcuts of Auto CAD commands to the file by themselves.

Usually, shortcut commands use one or two easy-to-remember letters and use them instead of the full name of the command. Shortcut command definition format is as follows:

The name of the shortcut command, * the full name of the command

Such as: CO, * COPY

That is, after typing the shortcut command, type a comma and the full name of the command replaced by the shortcut command. AutoCAD commands must be prefixed with an asterisk.

Chen Tong et al., Introduction and Improvement of AutoCAD 2000 Chinese Version, Tsinghua University Publishing House, published in July 2000.

Attachment: Common shortcut commands


1, object characteristics

ADC, *ADCENTER (design center "ctrl+2")

CH, MO * attribute (modify attribute "ctrl+ 1")

MA, *MATCHPROP (attribute matching)

ST, *STYLE (text style) p>

COL, *COLOR (set color)

LA, * layer (layer operation)

LT, * line type (linear)

LTS, *LTSCALE (linear scale)

LW, *LWEIGHT (line width)

United Nations, * unit (graphic unit)

ATT, * attribute definition

ATE, *ATTEDIT (edit attribute)

BO, * boundary (boundary creation, including the creation of closed polylines and regions)

AL, *ALIGN (alignment)

Quit, * quit

EXP, *EXPORT (output files in other formats)

IMP, * import (input file)

OP, PR * options (custom CAD settings