The real problem is the last sentence. Generally speaking, it's almost easy for you to spend a few years doing the CET-4 real questions, unless you have a particularly poor foundation. You should study hard for English. Buy two real questions to analyze, and do them yourself first. If you are wrong, it doesn't matter. Do it a few times more. Be sure to find out where you are wrong until you can do it right, and learn words by the way in the process of doing the problem. Don't recite words by yourself, it's too inefficient. You just need to know all the words in the ten-year real question. If you don't plan to score more than 70 points, there is no need to work hard on gestalt and translation and waste time. Recite the template in the last two or three months, practice writing a few articles by yourself, and then practice calligraphy better, as long as you can get an average score. Remember, when a person takes an English test, he wins the world for readers. If you want to get high marks in reading, you must study the real questions yourself.
I wish you good grades.