Meng Shi is knowledgeable and good at poetry, calligraphy and painting. Her Guanyin image is vivid. After marrying Zhang Bingwen, he could not have children, and Bingwen married a concubine. Chen has three sons, Meng Shiai is his own.
in the 11th year of Chongzhen, Qing soldiers captured forty-eight counties near Beijing and besieged Jinan. Zhang Bingwen was an envoy of Shandong Province at that time. Meng said to Bingwen, "As a state official, you should live and die with your duties.": I am your wife and should live and die with you. " Soon, the family reported that the situation was critical and asked her to leave. Meng scolded: "When I leave, the soldiers and civilians in the city will think that my husband's determination to defend the city is not great, and if he wavers, something will happen!" Meng foresaw the seriousness of the matter and said to the accompanying maid, "If the situation is critical, I will jump into the lake and commit suicide."
the following year, the city was attacked by the enemy, and C. Wen Jia led the troops in street fighting. Someone told Meng Shibao that Bingwen had escaped and was reprimanded. She said, "Is my husband a man who has abandoned the city?" Someone came to report the death of Bingwen. Meng Shi said with tears: "Yes!" So he told his concubine Chen, "I can't be the only child. You should protect your children, flee to their hometown and leave future generations for Zhang. " Chen asked to spend the Spring Festival with her, and she agreed. The two of them met at Daming Lake. The maid was moved by their heroic behavior, and several people followed her into the lake. Later, the court gave the first lady Meng Shi and a national sacrifice.
Literary achievements
There are eight volumes of Meng's poems and fourteen volumes of poems, which were selected and edited by my elder sister Fang and revised by my younger brother Fang Kongying, with the preface: "Those who read the poems of Lan Pavilion are extremely sad. Apollo's brother-in-law, who suffered greatly and ruined his life, devoted himself to poetry. Oh, shit! Sister's nature, always loyal and filial, obedient and quiet, eager to learn. At the age of nine, I can read and have a gift for singing snow. First, you, Wei Yan, love you very much, and always sigh and say, "This son is going to be born soon, but it's a girl. "Another 42 poems are recorded in Long Mian's elegant style, 21 poems are recorded in the Mankerton Collection of Tong Old Love, 3 poems are recorded in the comprehensive poems of Ming Dynasty, and 16 poems are recorded in the poems of Yu Xuan Ming Dynasty.