Xing Xiangzi - Reflecting on the Heart - Su Shi
The clear night is dust-free, and the moonlight is like silver. When the wine is poured, it must be ten minutes full. Famous and vain, vain and hard work. A horse is caught in a sigh, a fire is caught in a stone, and the body is caught in a dream. Although we hold articles, who will kiss us when we open our mouths? And Tao Tao is so happy and innocent, when will he go back and be a leisurely person. To a piece of harp, a pot of wine, and a stream of clouds.
[Background of the word card] Xingxiangzi, a double-tone Xiaoling, has sixty-six characters, and can also be slightly added with lining characters. The upper piece has five flat rhymes and the lower piece has four flat rhymes. The flow of syllables is beautiful, and it can be called the best tune in the ci forest. The upper and lower parts of the collar character are in the falling tone, and the lower part of the collar has three words and three sentences. The first and second sentences of the second part are usually the same as the first part and rhyme with the oblique expression. However, there are also cases where the oblique expression does not rhyme. Dongpo's word can be an example of freeze-frame.
[Content analysis] The title is "Reflection of Feelings", which can't help but sigh. Even if he is as free and open-minded as Dongpo, he still does not forget the ups and downs of the world when drinking wine for a month. It must be that the sake is very strong, reflecting the body outside my body; the silver moon reflects the dream within my dream. So, when I look forward to the future, when I am free, I can relax with a cloud above my head, play the piano leisurely with my hand, and drink a pot of real soothing wine by the Taole stream.