It was suggested that Meng Chang could be taught to like playing ball and riding horses, and he was also good at alchemy room. He selected many good women to enrich the harem. Han Baozhen, an emissary of the Tang Dynasty, earnestly persuaded Meng to try early, and sent the chosen good girl out on the same day, giving Wang Baozhen a few catties of gold. Someone wrote that officials in Taiwan Province Province should choose honest officials. Meng Chang sighed and said, "Why don't you mention specific people?" Meng Chang said, "I think when Emperor Taizong first ascended the throne, the jailer Sun accepted everything. Why did you persuade me to refuse to give advice? "
Meng Chang, the minister who killed Li Jue, didn't personally handle political affairs when he was young, but all the ministers were old friends of Meng Zhixiang. Meng Zhixiang is generous and indulgent. They treated Meng Changjun more arrogantly, disobeyed the law and discipline system, built houses, robbed people of fertile land and dug graves, especially Li and Zhang Ye. A few months after Meng Changjun ascended the throne, he arrested Li and killed his family. At that time, Li Zhao came to the DPRK from the town, leaning on crutches, saying that he was sick and could not worship. When he heard the news of Li's death, he immediately put down his cane and fell to the ground.
In 946 (nine years), Zhao died, and Zhang Ye became more authoritarian. Zhang Ye is Li's nephew. When Li was killed and Zhang was in charge of the imperial army, Meng Changjun became prime minister for fear of his rebellion. Zhang also served as a judge, set up prisons in China, and extorted money from the people of Houshu with cruel criminal law. The people hated him deeply. In 948 AD (11th year of Zheng Guang), Meng Chang and Kuang Sheng's commander An designed to arrest Zhang Ye and put him to death. Chu Wanghui and Zhao Tingyin stopped talking one after another, and all the old ministers disappeared from now on. Meng Changjun began to lead the government, set up letters in the imperial court, and received letters from his subjects to understand the situation.
At that time, the Liao Dynasty destroyed the late Jin Dynasty, and Liu Zhiyuan, the great ancestor of the late Han Dynasty, rose up and took Taiyuan, and the Central Plains was troubled. He Jian, a male military force, joined forces with Qin, Cheng and Jie, and Meng Changjun sent Sun Hanshao to capture Fengzhou, thus completely restoring the territory delayed by the former King of Shu. Zhao Siwan, the general of the later Han Dynasty, took up troops and Fengxiang in accordance with Yongxing and Jingchong Wang, all of whom voted for Meng Changjun. Meng sent Zhang out of the three customs, He built Longyou, and Li Ting went out of the Meridian Valley to report. Meng Changjun remonstrated, thinking it was impossible. But Meng Changjun was determined to attack Xiaguan, so he sent a Si Qian to send more troops eastward. Soon, the later Han Dynasty was killed, and Zhang and others went on strike. A predecessor was ashamed of his futility and killed more foot soldiers to intimidate everyone. Meng Chang and Hanlin let Wang Zao design and kill Ann Si Qian. However, the border official had an urgent play, and Wang had not reported it in time and opened it without authorization. Meng Chang is angry. Wang Zao was there when Ansi was killed, so he was arrested and beheaded together.
In 949 (the 12th year of Zheng Guang), Meng Chang established three official posts and two ceremonial posts. In 950 (13th year of Zheng Guang), Meng Zengjia was honored as "the Emperor of Wen Rui Yingwu". Meng Xuan, the eldest son, was named King of Qin and sentenced to six military affairs; The second son Meng Xuanxuan, king; Brother Meng Renyi is the king of Kui, Meng Renzhi is the king of Ya, Meng is the king of Peng and Meng is the king of Jia.
In 955 (18th year of Zheng Guang), Zhou Shizong and Chai Rong sent troops from Qin Zhou to attack Houshu. Meng Changjun sent Han Jixun as an ambassador to Wu Xiong. When he heard that Zhou Jun was coming to attack, he sighed and said, "Where can Han Jixun stop Zhou Bing?" The ambassador of Penn asked for instructions and sent him to check. I went to Deyang and heard that I had arrived. I am anxious to return. Meng Chang asked him, Evonne zha frighten speechless. Meng Min was furious and killed him. He immediately sent Gao and Li Ting out of the hall to fight against Zhou Jun, and they were defeated and retreated, so the four countries of Qin, Cheng, Jie and Feng were occupied by Zhou Jun again. Meng Changjun was afraid, and sent messengers to the Southern Tang Dynasty to contact the Northern Han Dynasty.
In 957 (20 years), after sending the captured Shu army back, Meng Chang sent the captured Li to Beijing and wrote a letter to Hou. Zhou Shizong thought that Meng Chang had no courtier manners. He was very angry and didn't answer.
In 958 (the 21st year of Zheng Guang), the later Zhou Dynasty attacked Nantang and captured fourteen states in Huainan, and all countries were very afraid. Jing Nan Gao Baorong took a book to see Meng Chang and asked him to go back to Zhou, but Meng Chang didn't go back to Zhou because he had written to Hou before and didn't get a reply. Meng Chang's youngest son, Meng Xuanbao, died at the age of seven. It is often said that it is not good for kings and officials to sacrifice after death. Meng Chang asked Li Hao what to do. Li Hao said, "Li Ping, the son of the past, died at the age of four. He was posthumously awarded as the governor of Yangzhou and was named King Su. This is an example of the past. " Meng Changjun later posthumously awarded Meng Xuanbao as governor of Qingzhou and made him king.
In 962 (twenty-five years), Meng Changjun made Meng a prince and a king of Qin. Meng Chang was lucky to be born in the Jin and Han Dynasties. There were many things in the Central Plains, so he was able to take advantage of the crisis. Both the monarch and the minister enjoy luxury, and even the drowning device is decorated with seven treasures. With the rise of the Northern Song Dynasty, Jing and Tan were captured one after another. They were even more afraid that Sun Yu, a big official, was sent to the Northern Han Dynasty with wax pill books to meet with * * * to send troops to obstruct the reunification activities of the Northern Song Dynasty, and Sun Yu was caught by border officials in the Northern Song Dynasty. So, sent, cui out of phoenix, five, Cao Bin back to phoenix. Eight imperial edicts were issued, and more than 500 houses were built for Meng Chang in the south of Youmen and near the Bianshui River, providing complete accounts and sundries for Meng Chang's surrender.
Meng Changjun sent Wang Zhaoyuan and Zhao to resist. The army had just set off from Chengdu when Meng Changjun sent Li Hao and others to give a banquet to see him off. Wang Zhaoyuan commanded the military with an iron bar in his hand, and compared himself with Zhuge Liang. He was drunk. He said to Li Hao, "Where did I resist the enemy just now? I can easily win the Central Plains with these 20,000 or 30,000 carvings! " Meng Changjun sent his son Meng Xuanchuo to lead tens of thousands of troops to guard the sword gate. Meng Xuan set out from the trading enemy with musical instruments and dozens of performers. Shu people secretly laughed when they saw it. Wang Quanbin met Wang Zhaoyuan in Sanquan and defeated him. Wang Zhaoyuan burned the Bai Ji pontoon bridge and retreated to Jianmen. The leader told Tao to listen to the prisoners of Shu army and said, "Come to Su Alley, and meet the way from Qingqiang Store in the south of Jianmen." Shi Yande was sent to March all the way to Su Hutong and Beijianmen to attack. Wang Zhaoyuan and Zhao failed and were captured. Meng Xuan stabbed Wang Zhaoyuan and other news of defeat, also fled back to Chengdu.
When V attacked Kuizhou, the garrison commander was defeated and refused to defend. Judge Luo Ji advised him to quit. Gao said, "I couldn't defend Qinchuan before, but now I'm retreating. Although the monarch won't kill me, how can I face Shu people! " He also suggested that he surrender, but Gao Yanzhen refused, so he set himself on fire and died. The Shu soldiers fled and most of the generals were captured. Meng Chang asked about it. Veteran Shi thinks it's too far away and won't last long. He should gather his troops and wait for Dong Bing to be exhausted. Meng Changjun sighed, saying, "For forty years, my first emperor and I used clothes to keep out the cold, and we used food to nurture our scholars. Once we face the enemy, we can't shoot an arrow to the east for me. Although we want to insist, who can keep it for me? " Li Hao was ordered to write a watch and surrender to the Northern Song Dynasty. After Shu died, it was in the first month of 965 AD (the third year of Gande). Sixty-six days from Song Jun's attack on Shu to Meng Changjun's surrender. At the beginning, Li Hao was an academician of former Shu Emperor Wang Yan. When Wang Yan died, Li Hao wrote a drop list for him, and now he writes a drop list for Meng Chang. At night, Shu people wrote on his door, "The world will repair the Li family", which was circulated as a joke at that time.
After Meng Changjun surrendered to the Northern Song Dynasty, he was escorted from Chengdu to the capital of the Song Dynasty (now Kaifeng, Henan). Thousands of Chengdu people risked their lives to see him off. People cried and escorted him along the river. Hundreds of them cried bitterly, and Meng Chang was full of pain. People are sent from Chengdu to key counties for hundreds of kilometers. The scene is very touching.
After arriving in Bianjing, he served as a proofreader and secretariat, and was appointed as the King of Qin. Meng Changjun died at the age of 47 seven days after he was made king of Qin.
The Contribution of Confucianism to Political Initiative
Confucian classics, from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Southern Song Dynasty, formed the results of the Thirteen Classics. During the Five Dynasties, Meng Chang, the owner of Shu, made a unique contribution, and successively published eleven classics, namely, nine classics in the Tang Dynasty (The Book of Changes, The Book of Songs, The Biography of Zuo Family in the Spring and Autumn Period, The Biography of the Spring and Autumn Period, The Biography of the Spring and Autumn Period, The Book of Rites and The Rites of Zhou). Later, Confucian scholar Zhu of the Southern Song Dynasty juxtaposed Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean with The Analects of Confucius and Mencius, forming four well-known books, which were officially recognized, and Mencius became a classic. As a result, thirteen Confucian articles established the status of classics.
Anecdotal Spring Festival couplets are the product of the combination of China literature and China folk customs. It is generally believed that Spring Festival couplets began in the Five Dynasties. "Shu Bian" says: "Shu did not return to the Song Dynasty one year ago, except for the day, so the bachelor Xin wrote a peach symbol version on the bedroom door, claiming that his words were not meritorious, claiming to write a cloud: New Year's Harvest, the number of the first festival is Changchun." This may be the earliest recorded Spring Festival couplets.
During the Spring Festival in 964, Meng Changjun formed an alliance. In 965, Zhao Kuangyin and Song Taizu sent troops to unify Shu, kidnapped Meng Chang and others, and appointed a person named Lv Yuqing as the local governor of Chengdu (the former capital of Shu). In addition, in the first year of Stegosaurus (AD 960), Song Taizu named the birthday of February 16 of the lunar calendar as "Dragon Spring Festival" and called it "Holy Festival". When Meng Changjun surrendered to Song Dynasty, it was Song Taizu's birthday. Whether this situation is a coincidence with couplets or is known in advance cannot be verified today. However, this pair of Spring Festival couplets written by Meng Chang has left an important page in the history of the development of China couplets, but it is undeniable.
When Meng Changjun was in power, the four seas were at peace, and the country and people were at peace. However, in view of the previous experience of Wang Yan, the former monarch, who died of official greed, he wrote this inspiring "official proverb" in the fourth year of Zheng Guang in Houshu (AD 94 1 year) and awarded it to counties and counties in order to make the officials "vivid" and "will be hidden in their hearts" and promote it. Meng Chang's Official Proverbs in 19941year consists of 24 sentences and 96 words.
I read Naked Boy and eat night clothes. Ask the commander to raise an Sui. Politics is in three different ways, and Tao is in seven threads. Catching chickens is the principle, and keeping calves is the rule. Wide and fierce, customs can be moved. Don't cut it, don't scar it. People are easy to abuse, but heaven cannot deceive them. Fu Yu was cut, and the military state was the capital. My knighthood will not exceed the time limit. Pay your wages, and the people fatten the people. Being a parent is not kind. It is a warning, and I am deeply impressed.
Huang Tingjian, a poet and calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty, wrote a 16-character inscription at the behest of the imperial court, the text content of which was taken from Meng Changjun's Official Proverbs: "The salary is expensive, and the people's ointment is also. The people abuse the easy, but God bullies the difficult. " It means that the salary received by officials is the blood and sweat of ordinary people. Although the people are easy to bully, they are naturally hard to tolerate. This inscription was distributed to all counties, carved into a stone tablet, called "Jieshi", and stood in the lobby of the government office to warn officials to be honest and clean, self-denial and love for the people. This incident was passed down as a much-told story by later generations.
Meng Chang is ill, but he is too ill to be cured repeatedly. She made her own prescription bait and her condition improved. When the minister is ill, he is called for consultation, and the medical officer is obedient. Han Baosheng, a bachelor of Hanlin, was asked to proofread and edit the newly revised Materia Medica and illustrated classics, and with a little annotation, it became 20 volumes of Shu Materia Medica (that is, Chongguang Yinggong Materia Medica), and his lost articles were included in Zheng Materia Medica and so on.
In Taoism, Meng Chang, the God who sends children, is also honored as Zhang Xian, the God who gives children. It is said that he is a handsome man, with a bow in his left hand and a bullet in his right hand, who can subdue Tengu to eat children on the earth. Because his "bullet" is homophonic with "birthday", which means "birth", Zhang Xian has become a god who specially sends children to the earth.
Personal work "The Work of the Summer Maha Pool"
Yulouchun and Mrs. Huarui get up at night.
Historical evaluation Zhao Kuangyin: When you decorate this with seven treasures, what should you use to store food? If you do this, don't die!
Gou Yanqing: Ren and Zuyi, Yun Wen and Yun Wu are all sages in the world.
Zhang: (1) Chang Yong, observant, caught off guard, was diligent in political affairs, and did not shrug his shoulders, so he lived in Fuan, China. (2) Always avoid Wang Yanyu's arrogance, seek medical advice frequently, and share interest with the people. Although the punishment is a bit severe, it is not cruel and people are quite safe. However, if you don't know the weather, you can help the country with the advice of a mediocre minister. This is something that a stupid person won't do, but if you do, you should be punished without being forgiven. Julian Waghann's hanging and execution enabled him to return to life, enjoy the national seal of a great country, and die with the gift of a real king, and his descendants enjoyed rich benefits. It's very kind of Emperor Mao to surrender!
Ouyang Xiu: He is often good at playing ball and walking, which is also a skill in the alchemist's room.
Wu Renchen: (1) When the first emperor ascended the throne, he was very diligent in political affairs ... He was kind and gentle, and every death sentence was greatly reduced. (2) Historically, when the emperor ruled the Song Dynasty, from Erjiang to Meizhou, all people embraced the road, hundreds of people cried, and the emperor also hid his face and wept. How can it be so deeply rooted in people's hearts through non-goodness? Tracing back to his life, persuading farmers to be sympathetic to punishment, promoting culture and education, seeking treatment diligently and sharing interest with the people may not be as dissolute as Wang Yan. Different from the destruction of the former Shu, we only used our own people.
Cai Dongfan: Meng, the master of Shu, is a first-time taster. He has the honor of being a concubine and won great trust. He was blamed for his rapid death. I want to communicate with the Northern Han Dynasty and start a war. Although he didn't want to die, what did he get?
Historical Records of the New Five Dynasties (Volume 64), the fourth family of Houshu.
History of the Old Five Dynasties Volume 136 C Pseudobiographies III
History of the Song Dynasty, Volume 479, Biography, Chapter 238, Family II
Family, parents and father: Meng Zhixiang, the great ancestor of Houshu.
Mother: Li
Empress Zhang Taihua
The daughter of the imperial concubine Xu (Mrs. Hua Rui).
Zhao Rong Li Yanniang
Children and sons
The eldest son and Crown Prince Meng Xuan
The second son Xuanxuan praised Wang Meng.
Meng Xuanbao, the youngest son of Sui King
Meng Shi, marry Yi Chongdu, the son of Yi.
Meng Shi, marry Han Chongsui, the son of Han.
Meng Shi, married to Zhao, son of Zhao Chongtao.
Princess Meng of Fengyi married Li Hao's son.
Meng Shi, the princess of the country, can't marry Zhao Zhao's son without respect.
Meng Shi, married to Zhao, son of Zhao Pu.