Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, also known as Yishao, was the son of Wang Kuang.
He was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve, he saw the ancient "Bi Shuo" on his father's pillow and stole it to read. His father (after discovering it) asked: "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi laughed and did not answer. His mother said, "Look at "Bi Shuo"." His father saw that he was young and was afraid that he would not be able to keep the secret. He said to Wang Xizhi: "When you grow up, I will teach you." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father: "Let me use it now. If I wait until I grow up, I will probably bury my childhood talent." His father was very happy. So it was given to him. In less than a month, my calligraphy has improved greatly.