Pronunciation of 26 English letters

26 English letters are pronounced as a [ei]; b[bi:]; c[si:]; d[di:]; e[I:]; f[ef]; G[d? Me:]; h[eich]; I[ai]; J[d? ei]; k[kei]; l[El]; m[em]; n[en]; O[? u]; p[pi:]; q[kju:]; r[ɑ:]; s[es]; t[ti:]; u[ju:]; v[VI:]; W[? d? blju:]; x[eks]; y[wai]; Z[zed].

The origin of letters:

The English alphabet borrowed from the Latin alphabet invented by the ancient Romans, which originated from the Greek alphabet, which evolved from the Phoenician alphabet and was deeply influenced by the ancient Egyptian holy sites. During the new kingdom of ancient Egypt, most Phoenicians were under Egyptian rule, and Phoenicians were deeply influenced by Egyptian culture.

The origin of English:

English belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Germanic family of Indo-European languages. It was first used by medieval England and became the most widely used language in the world because of its vast colonies. The Anglo tribe, the ancestor of the British, is one of the Germanic tribes that later moved to the island of Great Britain and were called England. Both names come from Angeria in the Baltic Peninsula.

This language is closely related to Frisian and Lower Saxon, and its vocabulary is influenced by other Germanic languages, especially Nordic (North Germanic), which is mainly written in Latin and French.

Functions of letters:

1. Communication tools

Letters are the basic symbols for people to write and read. Through the combination and arrangement of letters, we can express various languages and meanings and realize the communication between people.

2. Recording and inheritance

Letters are used to record and convey knowledge, culture and history. By writing letters, people can record information and ideas and spread them to future generations, thus accumulating knowledge.

Step 3 identify

Letters can be used to express people's name, nationality, organization and other identity information. For example, people use letters to name themselves, and letters can also be used to identify country names, company names and so on.

4. Information media

As writing symbols, letters can be used to convey information in various media. Whether it is books, newspapers, magazines, television or the Internet, letters are one of the most basic forms of expression.

5. Artistic expression

Letters also play an important role in the art field. The shape and arrangement of letters can be used to create works of art, such as calligraphy, font design, logo design and so on.

6. Cognitive development

Letters are an important part of children's cognitive development. By learning letters, children can gradually understand and master the language, improve their reading and writing skills and promote the development of their brains.

7. Scientific research

Letters play an important role in the study of linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. Through the analysis and study of letters, we can explore the essence of human language and thinking.