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When Song Taizong (Zhao Guangyi) was emperor, there was a man named Wang Zhu who loved Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and won the essence of Wang Ti. He works as a librarian in imperial academy. Emperor Taizong paid attention to practicing calligraphy when dealing with political affairs. He repeatedly sent eunuchs to show Wang Zhu his calligraphy. Wang Zhu always commented that Taizong's calligraphy needed practice, so Taizong paid more attention to copying calligraphy. Once, I asked Wang Zhu with a calligraphy, and Wang Zhu's answer was the same as the original one. Asked about his intention, Wang Zhu said: "Although (the emperor) writes well, if he says (he writes well) so soon, I am afraid that the emperor will no longer pay attention to calligraphy." Since then, Tang Taizong's calligraphy has become better and better, and his writing style is exquisite, surpassing the emperors of previous dynasties. People say this is the result of Wang Zhu's encouragement.