In the autumn of the tenth year of Xining, there was a flood in Pengcheng, and half of the thatched cottage of Zhang Jun, a native of Yunlong Mountain, was covered with water. Next spring, when the water falls, I will move to the east of my former residence, at the foot of Dongshan Mountain. When you look up, you will see a strange place, and build a pavilion on top of it. The mountain of Pengcheng is surrounded by hills and ridges, and is as faint as a large ring. It only lacks its west side, and the mountain man's pavilion fits the missing part. At the turn of spring and summer, the sky is full of grass and trees, and the snow and moon in autumn and winter are all the same color. Between wind, rain and darkness, the pitch changes.
The mountain man has two cranes, which are very tame and good at flying. On the first day, I looked at the lack of the Western Mountain and let it go, letting it go. It may stand in the Pitian, or soar in the clouds. At dusk, it will go back to the east mountain, so it is called "He Fang Pavilion".
Su Shi, the governor of the county, was accompanying the officials and went to meet the mountain people, drink and enjoy themselves in Siting. A man from Yishan told him, "Does your son know the joy of living in seclusion? Even though he is the king of the south, he cannot be reconciled to Yi. "Yi" said: "The Ming Crane is in the shade, and his son is in harmony with it." "Poetry" said:' The crane crows in Jiugao, and the sound is heard in the sky. It is a thing that is clear and leisurely, transcending the dust. Therefore, "Yi" and "Poetry" are used to compare virtuous men and men with hidden virtues. , It is better to be beneficial but not harmful; however, if Wei Yigong likes cranes, his country will be destroyed. The disciples of Ruan Ji will be famous for their true nature in future generations. Alas, even if the king of the south is as quiet as a crane, he will not be good, and if he is good, his country will be destroyed. Drinking wine can't do any harm, how can it be worse than a crane? From this point of view, it can't be said that it is a joy."
The mountain man smiled happily and said, "That's right!" The song of releasing cranes and attracting cranes goes like this: "The crane flies to the gap in the west mountain. It soars high and looks down at the place where it is suitable. It folds its wings and is about to gather. Suddenly, it sees nothing. It is calm and strikes again. I stay alone in the stream all day long. Among the valleys, there are people pecking at the green moss and walking on the white stones. Under the shadow of the east mountain, there are people wearing yellow hats and playing harp. They are plowing and eating. The rest are full. , Xishan cannot stay for a long time."
Fanghe Pavilion; on Yunlong Mountain in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province today.
This article talks about the joy of seclusion, which even the "King of the South" cannot enjoy; in the Spring and Autumn Period, Wei Yigong perished because of his love for cranes, and in the Western Jin Dynasty, Liu Ling. Ruan Ji proved it by his addiction to alcohol. Narrative, main, discussion, orderly; the ending still has the meaning of concealment.
傃: sù direction, towards
挹yì动 Anyone who uses a vessel to weigh water is called 挹. ——"Zhu Cong"
Fei: door
Suitable: just right
Pi: waterside
Pengcheng: ancient place name, present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu
In the autumn of the 10th year of Xining, there was a flood in Pengcheng. The thatched house of Zhang Jun, a native of Yunlong Mountain, flooded half of the gate of his house. The next spring, when the flood receded, the mountain people moved to the east of their original house, at the foot of Dongshan Mountain. The mountain man climbed up and looked around, and found a strange place, so he built a pavilion on it. The mountains in Pengcheng are surrounded by hills and ridges on all sides, vaguely like a large ring, only the west side of it is missing, and the mountain man's pavilion happens to be aligned with that gap. When spring and summer alternate, the lush vegetation seems to be close to the sky; the autumn moon and winter snow make the vast land white; between windy, rainy, dark and sunny weather, the scenery changes rapidly. The mountain man has two cranes, which are very tame and good at flying. In the morning, the mountain people looked at the gap in the west mountain and released them, letting them fly wherever they wanted. Sometimes they stand by the pond or in the fields, and sometimes they fly above the clouds. In the evening, they come back to the east mountain, so they named the pavilion "Crane Fang Pavilion".
Su Shi, the governor of the county, often took his friends and subordinates to visit Shanren. They drank in this pavilion and felt very happy. Su Shi poured a glass of wine for the mountain man to drink, and told him: "Do you know the joy of seclusion? Even the monarch who sits facing south cannot exchange it with him. "The Book of Changes" says: 'The crane is on the north side of the mountain. It calls, and its child, the young crane, responds to it.
"The Book of Songs" says: "The crane crows in the low-lying places, and the sound reaches to the sky." 'This is because as a bird, the character of the crane is noble, deep, quiet, and at home, transcending the outside world. Therefore, the authors of the "Book of Changes" and "The Book of Songs" likened it to wise people and talented people. people and people with noble moral character. Being intimate with it and playing with it seems to be beneficial and harmless. However, because Wei Yigong loved cranes, he lost his country. Zhou Gong wrote "Jiu Gao" and Wei Wu Gong wrote "Restraint". They both believed that there was nothing as serious as drinking, which wasted career, confused temper, corrupted and disturbed the country. However, people like Liu Ling and Ruan Ji were saved because of this. own, and the reputation is passed on to future generations. well! A monarch who sits facing south, even if he is noble, deep, quiet, and in a position like a crane, cannot like it; if he likes it, he will lose his country. However, those who escape from the world in the mountains and forests will waste their careers, confuse their temperaments, and corrupt and disrupt the country. Like wine, if you like it, it can't cause harm, let alone like cranes? From this point of view, the happiness of the king and the hermit cannot be discussed together. "
After hearing what I said, the mountain man smiled happily and said, "Is this true? So I made songs about releasing cranes and attracting cranes, saying, "The cranes are flying away, looking at the gap in the Western Mountains." Flying high in the sky, looking below, choosing where they think they should go. He quickly turned around, folded his wings, and seemed to be planning to fly down to rest. Suddenly he saw something, and flew up to the sky with his head raised, ready to strike again. How can I wander around streams and valleys all day long, pecking at moss and stepping on white stones? The crane is back, to the north of Dongshan. There is a man down there, wearing a Taoist hat, straw sandals, and a ge robe, sitting and playing the piano. He works the fields himself and feeds you with the surplus grain. Come back! Come back! Xishan cannot stay for a long time. ”
From the tenth year of Xining to the sixth year of Yuanfeng. In these two years, when he was the magistrate of Xuzhou, he had a friend named Zhang Liuji, also known as Yunlongshanren. A pavilion was built in Pengcheng (now Tongcheng County, Jiangsu Province). There were two cranes in the pavilion. They were released in the morning and flew back at night. Su Shi often drank and played with his friends in the pavilion. Because of his enlightenment, he pretended to write an article. "The Story of the Crane-Flowing Pavilion"
This article describes the taste of a hermit. Even if you are an emperor, even loving cranes will bring disaster; but as a hermit, it doesn't matter even if you indulge in alcohol, you can be carefree and unrestrained. The third paragraph describes the different life interests of the hermit and the king of Nanmian. The hermit can not only raise cranes, even indulge in alcohol, but also spread his reputation.
The beauty of this article is that it is full of momentum, natural and clear, and it is a complete expression of the author's temperament. Fanghe Pavilion is not a famous place, but because of this article, it has also been passed down at the same time. "Chao Ran Tai Ji" coincides with each other. At the same time, the expression of his Taoist thoughts in this article is even more obvious.
Also: This article was written when Su Shi knew Xuzhou. It mainly describes the fun of banquets with mountain people. By quoting the past to prove the present, he eulogizes the pleasures of the recluse and expresses his desire to go to Qingyuan for leisure when he is politically frustrated. The article describes the scene in a concise manner, but has outstanding features; the narrative is concise, but clear and coherent; the allusions are quoted to be relevant to the present day; and it uses lively words. The antiphonal singing style is lyrical and expressive, which makes it interesting to read.
Zhang Shihou, a hermit in the Song Dynasty, lived in seclusion in Yunlong Mountain, Xuzhou. He once built a pavilion in Dongshan. Since the two cranes went in and out of the mountains, they passed this pavilion, so it was named "Crane-Freeing Pavilion".
Also: This is what the poet said when he was demoted to Xuzhou. The article describes the author's visit to Yunlong Mountain. Q&A and discussion. What is particularly important is that the author puts forward the point in the article that cranes were originally a thing of idleness in Qingyuan, but Wei Yigong perished because of his love for cranes; wine was originally a thing of desolation and chaos, so "Zhou Gong" As a wine edict, Duke Wu of Wei made a restraint, thinking that desolation and chaos are nothing like wine," to warn people not to be obsessed with wine. But "Liu Ling and Ruan Ji" was famous for wine. What is the reason, Yunlong The mountain man explained that people in the hidden mountains and forests cannot be confused by wine and sex, let alone cranes. The point of view is wonderful.
Can the author not be envious? What's more, there is also the song of letting the crane fly and attracting the crane that makes the author intoxicated!
About the author
Su Shi (1037-1101), courtesy name Zizhan, also known as Dongpo Jushi, was a native of Meishan in the Northern Song Dynasty. He is a famous writer and one of the eight great writers of prose in Tang and Song Dynasties. He is knowledgeable and versatile, and has high attainments in calligraphy, painting, poetry, and prose. His calligraphy, together with Cai Xiang, Huang Tingjian and Mi Fu, is known as the "Four Calligraphers of the Song Dynasty"; he is good at painting bamboo, wood and strange rocks, and he is also outstanding in painting theory and calligraphy theory. He is the literary leader after Ouyang Xiu in the Northern Song Dynasty. His prose is as famous as Ouyang Xiu; his poetry is as famous as Huang Tingjian; his poetry is majestic and bold in style. Instead of the elegance of his poetry, he is called "Su Xin" together with Xin Qiji in the Southern Song Dynasty, and he is the most bold and bold. Send a lyricist.