A middle school student became an associate professor. Knowledge is not wide, and professional knowledge is not thorough. Famous all over the world, not good enough. If you can't reach the high place, you won't do it at the low place. Being beaten left is also judged right. The face is a little round, and the face is not thick enough. My wife died first, so far there is no queen. The funeral is as good as new, and my illness remains the same. I am sixty-six years old this year, and I can still count my life. Miss Babaoshan, it is not far from me. Speaking of my life, the word stone can be called ugly. It's better to stink with a nameless skin.
Mr. Qi Gong wrote such an epitaph, which can be described as seeing through life and having Taoist character. Briefly introduced his own experience and said that he was worthless. Finally, this body is a stinking skin. What's the pity of dying?