Lu Ji visited Yuan Shu in Jiujiang when he was six years old. Yuan Shu let him eat oranges. Lu Ji hid three oranges in his arms. When he left, Lu Ji (bent down) said goodbye to Yuan Shu, and the orange fell to the ground. Yuan Shu said with a smile, "Lu Ji, why did you come to someone else's house to hide oranges?" Lu Ji knelt on the ground and replied, "Oranges are sweet. I want to leave them to my mother. "
2. Lu Yi Shunmu
Zhou Min's biological mother died early, and his father married a second wife and gave birth to two sons. His stepmother often abuses him. In winter, the two younger brothers wore cotton winter clothes, but gave him a "cotton coat" made of reed flowers. One day, when my father went out, Min Min was shivering with cold while pulling a cart. He threw the rope to the ground and was reprimanded and whipped by his father. Lu Hua flew out with a crack, and his father knew that Min had been abused.
Father wants to divorce his stepmother when he comes home. Shen Min knelt down and begged his father to forgive his stepmother, saying, "I am the only one who is cold when I leave my mother, and both children will be cold when I divorce my mother." Father was very moved and obeyed him. When the stepmother heard about it, she regretted her mistake and treated him as a parent.
Carving wood is an intimate thing.
Ding Lan's parents died when he was young. He often misses his parents' upbringing, so he carved a statue of his parents out of wood. Everything is like life, and he negotiates with the wooden statue. After honoring his parents, he eats three meals a day. He must tell them before going out and see them when he gets home. He never slacks off.
For a long time, his wife didn't respect the wooden statue very much, but curiously used the fingers of the wooden statue to acupuncture, and the fingers of the wooden statue actually bled out. Ding Lan went home to see the tears in the eyes of the wooden statue, asked others for the truth, and then abandoned his wife.
4. Play with color to entertain relatives
In the Spring and Autumn Period, Lao Laizi, a hermit of Chu State, cultivated himself in the southern foot of Mengshan Mountain in order to avoid the chaos in the world. He is filial to his parents, and he chooses delicious food to provide them. He is 70 years old and not old. He often wears colorful clothes and plays rattle like a child to make his parents laugh. Once when he brought water to his parents, he pretended to fall down when he entered the room, so he imitated the cry of a child? [ 1]? Parents laugh.
5. Xiaogan moved to heaven
Shun's mother died young and her stepmother gave birth to an elephant. Stepmother and Xiang Ge are jealous. Shun's father is blind and can't tell good from evil. He is partial to listening and believing, insulting Shun, and even hurting him. Once, they asked Shun to repair the warehouse. When Shun climbed to the top of the warehouse, they took down the ladder and set fire to it. With two hats under his arm, he floated down from the top of the warehouse unscathed.
Another time, they asked Shun to go. Shun went down the well and the earth and stone rolled down. Shun walked out of the underground tunnel unhurriedly, scaring his stepmother and brother. Although they hurt Shun again and again, Shun is filial to his parents and friendly to his younger brother as always.
6. One hundred miles minus one meter
Luz, a student of Confucius, is very filial to his parents. Because he grew up in a poor family, he is very frugal. Often eat wild vegetables to live. Zhong You thinks it's okay for him to eat wild vegetables, but he is worried that his parents are not well nourished and are in poor health.