Ou Yangxun once rode a horse and saw an ancient monument. I stayed in Ma Guanzhi for a long time and then left. He walked hundreds of steps from Gubei and came back. The horse stood in front of the monument. When he was tired, he unfolded his fur and sat down to look at it. Then he left in front of the monument for three days.
One day, in Ou Yangxun in the Tang Dynasty, I was riding a horse and came across an ancient monument. This was written by Suo Jing, a famous calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. He browsed in Malaysia, looked for a long time and left. He walked hundreds of steps from the ancient monument and came back. He got off the horse and stood in front of the monument to observe. When he was tired, he spread out his fur coat and sat down to observe. He stayed in front of the monument for three days and three nights before leaving.