Wang Xizhi concentrated on practicing calligraphy and forgot to eat and sleep. When he was eating and walking, he was thinking about the structure of words and kept doodling on his body with his hands. Over time, his skirt was worn out and everything paid off. Once, he wrote a plaque for someone, wrote a few words on the board and sent it to lettering. The sculptor found that the ink stains of the characters had penetrated into the board for about three minutes. Therefore, people often use the idiom "incisive" to describe the strong brushwork of calligraphy, and later use it to describe the profound views and discussions on things.
When Wang Xizhi 13 years old, he happened to find that his father had a calligraphy book of Shuo, and he stole it. His father worried that he was too young to keep the secret of the family heirloom and promised that he would teach when he grew up. Unexpectedly, Wang Xizhi knelt down and asked his father to allow him to study now. His father was very moved and finally agreed to his request.
Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy very hard, even eating and walking, and he really kept practicing. Without pen and paper, he scratched on his body, and over time, his clothes were cut. Sometimes I practice my handwriting to the point of forgetfulness. Once, he forgot to eat when he practiced calligraphy, and his family sent the meal to the study. He didn't even think about it. He dipped it in ink and ate it. He still thought it was delicious. It was already dark when the family found out.
Wang Xizhi often writes in the pool, so he washes the inkstone in the pool. After a long time, he ran out of ink, so he was called "Mo Chi". At present, Lanting in Shaoxing, Xigu Mountain in Yongjia, Zhejiang, Guizong Temple in Lushan and other places have places of interest known as "Mo Chi".