Wang Ziyou lives in the shade, and it snows heavily at night, so he sleeps, opens a room and orders himself to drink. Looking around Jiao Ran, because of hesitation, he recited Zuo Si's Poems of Solitude. Suddenly, I remembered Diane Road, which I always wear, even when I take a boat at night. When I arrived at Sufang, I built the door and didn't return. When people asked him why, the king said, "I left on impulse and came back exhausted." Why should I wear it? "
Wang Ziyou lives in Yin Shan. It snowed heavily one night. He woke up from his sleep, opened the window and ordered the servant to pour the wine. Looking around, it was all white, so I got up and walked slowly, reciting Zuo Si's Poems of Solitude. Suddenly, I thought of Dai Kui, a single county in the upper reaches of Cao 'e River, and immediately went by boat overnight. After a night, I arrived at Dai Kui's door and turned back. When someone asked him why he did this, Wang Zi said, "I was in a good mood when I went, but my interest ran out and I naturally came back. Why do I have to see Dai Kui? "
You can see from Visiting Dai on a Snowy Night that he is a handsome man. Show an optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life.