Zhang Fei is a virtuous man and has little contact with Guan Yu. How old is Yu? Brother Fei can do it. The late Lord broke Lu Bu from Tsao Gong, and he paid back the money. Cao Gong worshiped Fei as a corps commander. My ancestors were Cao Gongyi, Yuan Shao and Liu Biao. Table pawn, Cao Gong into Jingzhou, the first master ran south of the Yangtze River. Zuo Zongtang pursued him day and night in Osaka, Dangyang. When my late Lord heard of Cao Gong's death, he left his wife and made Fei ride twenty horses. Climbing over the eaves and breaking the bridge according to the water, he glared and said, "I am Zhang Yide, but I have come to die!" No enemy dared to approach, so it was exempted. My ancestors decided to fly to the south of the Yangtze River, and it was most appropriate for them to be the prefect, recruit generals, seal a new pavilion, and then transfer to Nanjun. The ancestors entered Yizhou and attacked Liu Zhang, and they went upstream with Zhuge Liang and divided into counties. To Jiangzhou, the broken Zhang will be the prefect of Ba County and will be respected. Yan Fei said: "The army has arrived, how dare you refuse to fight?" Yan replied, "Your Majesty and others invaded our state, and there were beheadings in our state, but no generals surrendered." Angry fly, left and right hands are pulled apart, and the color remains the same. He said, "If you are angry, you will be angry!" Fly hard and let it go, attracting it as a guest. Flying over the war, I will meet my ancestors in Chengdu. After Yizhou was pacified, Zhuge Liang, Fei and Fei each received 500 Jin, 1 Jin of silver, 50 million yuan and 1,000 Jin, and the rest were given away, flying to attract the Brazilian satrap.
Tsao Gong defeated Zhang Lu, leaving Xia and Zhang He to defend Hanchuan. He bid farewell to all the troops in Brazil and tried to move his people to Hanzhong, marching into the ditch, hiding his face and throwing stones, and not flying for more than 50 days. Flying at the speed of more than 10 thousand soldiers, he invited the allies to fight from other roads. The mountain road was narrow and could not help each other before and after, and broke up in discord. Abandoning Ma Yuan Mountain, he withdrew with only a dozen men and led his troops back to Nanzheng. Batu was unharmed. The late king of Hanzhong, the princess is the right general, and the festival is over. In the first year of Zhangwu, he moved to ride a general, took a captain from the division and entered Xixiang Hou. He said: "I inherited the order of heaven, I inherited the great cause, except for the chaos." Today, bandits commit crimes, people are in dire straits, and people who think of Korea are looking forward to it. I'm afraid I can't sit in my seat, and I don't want to eat. I swear I will be punished by heaven. With your loyalty, you tracked down Zhao and Hu, and your name is well known, so you showed your life, and you were promoted to a knight, also in Beijing. His birthday party will be awesome, he will be mainly loyal to virtue, and he will be punished for treason. Nothing is said in the poem,' bandits commit bandits, and the country is extremely extreme. Zhao Min Rong Gong, and the World Bank'. Don't be embarrassed! "
At the beginning, Fei was magnificent and powerful, not as good as Guan Yu and Cheng Yu, the adviser of Wei State, who claimed to be the enemy of thousands of people. Feather is good to the pawn, arrogant to the scholar-bureaucrat, flying to love the gentleman, regardless of the villain. The ancient Lord often warned: "Your punishment is too bad, whipping athletes every day is in a dilemma. This is also the way to take trouble. " It is not too late to fly. First attack Wu, lead ten thousand soldiers when flying, and go to Jiangzhou from Langzhong. Face to face, Zhang Da and Fan Qiang were killed under his account, and Sun Quan went down the river. The commander-in-chief of Feiying reported to the late master, who heard that the commander-in-chief of Feiying had a report and said, "Hey! Fly to death. " Chase the stone and fly to Huan Hou. The eldest son bracts and dies young. The second son Shao Si, the official assistant minister Shang Shu servant shot. Bao Zi, a senior official, followed Zhuge Zhan to Mianzhu, where he fought Wargo and died.
History of the Three Kingdoms, General Records of Dan and Lead, Records of Liang Jian in Southern and Northern Dynasties, etc.
It should be said that courage is not necessarily reckless and rude. Many valiant soldiers in the Three Kingdoms period were not like this in novels and operas. Although Lu Bu is brave and foolhardy, he is not stupid. Guan Yu's power is no less than Zhang Fei's, but people often see him reading Spring and Autumn Annals under the lamp in his tent, with a refined demeanor. And Zhao Yun and Ma Chao. ...
Reflection? The biography of Zhang Fei records that Zhang Fei "loves a gentleman rather than a villain." Liu Bei once warned him: "The punishment and killing in the Qing Dynasty are too bad, and it is also a way to eliminate disasters." Later, he led the troops to meet Liu Bei and cut Wu, and was killed by his men. Being good at killing corporal, whipping corporal may be related to rudeness, but mainly because he doesn't love subordinates. ?
Deng Tuo's Yanshan Nighttalk has an article on Zhang Fei's calligraphy and painting, saying that Zhang Fei is said to have good calligraphy and can draw. A standard copy published by Beijing Publishing House lists Zhang Fei as a calligrapher among military commanders. Deng Tuo found a lot of materials to illustrate this problem. For example, in the southern and northern dynasties, the sword record of the beam said that Zhang Feichu worshipped the new pavilion Hou and ordered craftsmen to refine the iron of Hongzhushan into a knife with the words "General Hou Shu of the new pavilion" engraved on it. Some people say that the inscription on the new Tinghou Road was written by Zhang Fei himself. Also, in the Ming Dynasty, there was the Annals of Dan and Lead, which said that there were Zhang Fei and Diao Douming in Fuling, and the writing style was extremely exquisite, which was written by Zhang Fei himself. What is even more amazing is that it is said that after Zhang Fei's big break in Mount Bameng, Zhang Fei's inscription was also called Bameng Cliff at once. This inscription was found on the cliff of Bameng Mountain in Liujiang County, Sichuan Province in the Ming Dynasty. It reads: "General Han flew up and led thousands of people to death. The first thief set up a monument in Bameng." It is said that although the writing on the wall has been destroyed, it is impossible to find the remains of this cliff stone carving, but you can still see a rubbings of Guangxu period in Qing Dynasty with the inscription of Hu Shengyou in the late Qing Dynasty. In addition, Zhuo Erchang's Painting Yuan Quan in the Ming Dynasty also recorded: "Zhang Fei, ... likes to draw beauties and is good at cursive writing.
You can also find some materials to illustrate this point. For example, in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhen Wu wrote a poem "Zhang Yide Temple": "It is more clever to ride a horse when Guan Hou satirizes Zuo's family. Although civil and military interests are different, the ancients tasted more than enough. It is difficult to think about your wrist with a spear. " Riding a horse is Zhang Fei, who worshipped the general in the first year of Zhangwu (22 1). According to Zhenwu, Zhang Fei's calligraphy is very accomplished, even the famous calligraphers in the Three Kingdoms period-the statues of Zhong You and Wu of Wei, I am afraid.
If this is the case, then Zhang Fei in history, though brave, is not necessarily rude and reckless. At least, he should have some literacy and temperament of the scribes.
But what we see now from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other places is a brave and headstrong Zhang Fei, who has no literati demeanor and accomplishment.
+H%x/B6x]-b%Tc5k He looks rough: a leopard head with eyes and a moustache, a black face, a black beard, a headscarf, clothes and even a sitting horse.
In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Fei was liked for his looks. Li Shangyin's poem "Pride of Children" should be a proof. The so-called "Zhang" here should be not only yes, but also Hu Mang's rough character.
In later artists' works, Fei's character is more prominent.
In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Du You, the Whip, let us appreciate this for the first time. This is true in history, but it was not Zhang Fei who lashed Du You, but Liu Bei. It was Liu Bei who was promoted to Anxi County Commandant for meritorious service. I heard that Du You arrived in the county and was ordered to dismiss him. Liu Bei wanted to see Du You, but Du You refused to see him. Liu Bei was furious and broke into the convent with his courtiers, falsely claiming that he was ordered by the state official to arrest Du You. Tie Du You up from the bed, drag him outside the county seat, untie the printed ribbon, tie Du You's neck and neck to a tree, and beat the rest with practical whips and sticks, or even kill them. Du You begged for mercy, so he gave up. Liu Bei also abandoned his official position and fled. Is this a reflection? It is recorded in the notes and quotations of Biography of Ancestors and Dianlue. At this time, Liu Bei was very warm-blooded, but he only had a small county commandant. He was full of anger, but he met a cruel little Du You. Of course, he added fuel to the fire and wanted to have an attack. This is normal, but Liu Bei's writing is a typical example of kindness, so this kind of thing should not be counted in his name. It's just that this kind of thing conforms to Zhang Fei's reckless personality in people's minds, and it's natural to replace things with flowers.
Romance wrote about it in a measured way. Before that, the History of the Three Kingdoms was not just a few things with a whip. Before Liu Bei's appointment, Zhang Fei also hit one of the ten attendants who asked Liu Bei for money and goods, laying two teeth and bleeding. Liu Bei had to make up the county commandant, Dingzhou prefect deliberately made things difficult, and Zhang Fei killed the prefect, his wife and the official's son. When Du You arrived in the county seat, Zhang Fei not only killed Du You, but also dismembered him into six sections, with his head hanging at the north gate and his feet hanging at the four corners, and then led the people to Taihang Mountain with Liu and Guan.
In the story of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Fei was also killed by Yuan Xiang. Yuan Xiang is the prince of Yuan Shu. Liu Bei occupied Xuzhou, but Yuan Shu sent Yuan Xiang to take Xuzhou. Zhang Fei was ordered by Liu Bei to go south to meet Yuan Xiang. After passing the 30-mile post office in Shi Ting, Yuan Xiang was welcomed. After the ceremony, they drank a toast. Because of lovers' lovers, they began to scold each other. Later, Yuan Xiang wanted to hit Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei got angry. He grabbed Yuan Xiang, raised it with his hand, and fell dead on the Shi Ting. Yuan Zaju also has this drama, the title of which is Wrestling Yuan Xiang (Yuan Xiang is Yuan Xiang).
Zhang Fei's rudeness is manifested in his hatred of evil, frankness and simplicity, and his open mind makes people feel lovely. He also uses wisdom, but his wisdom is always bold and straightforward. There are many such examples in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other folklore, so it is unnecessary to elaborate on them one by one.
This is of course the result of the idealization and re-creation of folk artists in past dynasties. Without their meticulous creation, there would be no such lovely and distinctive image of Zhang Fei.