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Gu Kaizhi, named Changkang, was a native of Wuxi, Jinling, erudite and talented. When people asked about the state of Kuaiji's mountains and rivers, Kaizhi said: "Thousands of cliffs compete for beauty, and thousands of valleys compete for water flow. The vegetation is covered with grass and trees on it, and it looks like clouds blooming." Kaizhi eats sugar cane, always from the tip to the root. People may wonder about it, saying: "It is gradually getting better."
He is particularly good at painting, and his pictures are particularly wonderful. The human form in each picture is as wonderful as ever. Try the picture of Pei Kaixiang, with three hairs on the cheeks, and the viewer will feel that the gods are special.
I especially believe in small tricks, thinking that what I ask for will be obtained. Huan Xuan tasted a piece of willow leaf and said: "This leaf is covered by cicadas. It is used to cover itself so that others cannot see it." Kai was so happy that he led the leaves to cover himself, believing that he could not see himself, so he cherished it very much.
It is said that Kai has three qualities: talent, painting, and insanity.
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Danqing: refers to painting
Xiaoshu: small skills, small spells
If: like
Heng: often
Good: good at
Chuan: spread
绐: deceive
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Gu Kai's courtesy name was Changkang, and he was a native of Wuxi, Jinling. Gu Kaizhi was knowledgeable and talented. People asked him about the appearance of Kuaiji's mountains and rivers. Gu Kaizhi said: "Thousands of mountains are competing for beauty, and thousands of valleys are competing for water. The vegetation is covered with cages, just like the clouds are blooming." Gu Kaizhi often eats sugar cane, always eating it from the tail first to the root. Some people felt strange and said: "It's getting better and better."
Gu Kaizhi was particularly good at painting, and his paintings were particularly magical. Xie An thought highly of him and thought there was no one like him since ancient times. Every time he painted a portrait, it was always wonderful. I once painted a portrait of Pei Kai and added three hairs on his cheeks. People who viewed it felt that his expression was particularly beautiful.
Gu Kaizhi particularly believes in small magic and believes that if you ask for it, you will definitely get it. Huan Xuan once used a willow leaf to deceive him and said: "This is what cicadas use to cover themselves. Use it to cover yourself, and others will not see you." Gu Kaizhi was very happy and covered himself with the leaf, believing that Huan Xuan did not see him. Cherish that leaf.
Therefore, it is said in the world that Gu Kaizhi had three great qualities: talent, painting, and insanity