Different fonts of cactus

You can find different fonts on special font websites.

1. Lace fonts refer to fonts with decorative patterns at the corners. Although the lace font looks beautiful, it is not easy to read. Typical lace fonts are Song Ti in Chinese, Xinwei in Chinese, TimesNewRoman and Courier in English.

2. Fancy English is an English font category, which belongs to the domestic calligraphy classification, and there is no such font classification abroad. Generally, it is considered to be copperplate font, round font or Spencer, which is more common in film letters and cover decoration.

It is said that cursive script is an improper translation of "decorativalpenmanship", and English is meant to be a decorative writing, not a font. However, in historical use, "decorative" is often used to refer to "Spencer" and its variants. "Copperplate" and "Spencer" are two similar fonts, both of which use decorative words. When the word "decorative brushwork" was introduced into China, it was translated into flowery style because of its unclear concept, and its scope was larger than that of "decorative brushwork". In China, cursive script is usually used to refer to "copperplate book" and "Spencer book". Because "EnglishRound" is sometimes called "copper plate" abroad, and the copper plate is actually a copper plate, there are overlapping concepts of flower and round body.