The original text of "Preface to Send Li Willing to Return to Pangu" is as follows:
There is Pangu in the sun of Taihang. Bangkok, the place, spring sweet, fertile land, lush vegetation, few residents. Some people said, " because the Bangkok is coiled between the two mountains, so called' disk'. ". ” Others said, " this valley is secluded and rugged, and it is a place where the recluse hovers." My friend Li Yuan lives here.
I wish to say, "I know the man who is called a gentleman. He benefits others, enjoys a good reputation, sits in the temple, advances and retreats a hundred officials, and assists the son of heaven to give orders; When it is outside, the flag is raised, the arrow is bowed, and before the warrior, the follower blocks the way, and the supplier holds his own things and gallops through the road.
happiness is rewarded, and anger is punished. Before the talent is full, the Tao is famous for its ancient and modern virtues, and it is not annoying. The curved eyebrows are full of cheeks, the voice is clear and the body is easy, the show is beautiful and the benefits are medium, the fluttering is light, the long sleeves are long-sleeved, and the pink is white and green, and they live in the house, jealous of pets and negative reliance, and they fight for beauty and take pity. The encounter of a gentleman is known to the son of heaven, and it is also hard to do what the contemporary people do. I ran away from it because I didn't hate it. I had a life, and I was not lucky enough to get it.
poor people live in the wild, rise and look far, sit on the luxuriant trees all day long, and clean themselves with clear springs. Collected in the mountains, the beauty can be ru; Fishing in water is fresh and edible. Living all the time, but comfortable. Instead of having a reputation in the past, if it is not destroyed; It is better to be carefree than to be happy. Car clothes are not dimensional, knives and saws are not added, I don't know the chaos, I don't know it. A gentleman who doesn't meet the times does what he does, and I will do it.
If you wait on the door of officials and rush to the road of the situation, you will stumble further, and your mouth will be full of words, and you will not be ashamed. If you touch the punishment, you will be slaughtered. If you get lucky, you will die of old age and then stop. What is your virtue? "
Chang Li Han Yu heard his words and was strong. He drank with them and sang, "In the middle of the dish, the palace of Wei Zi; The soil of the plate, the crop of Wei Zi; The fountain of the plate can be along; Who will fight for the resistance of the plate? It' s deep and deep, and it' s tolerant; Dazzling and winding, such as going back. "
"the joy of the dish is happy, and the joy is endless; Tigers and leopards are far away, and dragons hide; Ghosts and gods guard Xi, and it is forbidden to be ominous. Drink and eat, and you will live a long and healthy life. Paste my car and lick my horse, from the child to the plate, and finally my life will be awkward! "
There is a valley in the south of Taihang Mountain. Pangu is a place with sweet springs, fertile land, lush vegetation and few residents. Someone said, "Because the valley is coiled between two mountains, it is called' Pan'." Some people also said: "This valley is secluded and the terrain is dangerous, and it is the place where hermits hover (hence the name' Pan'). My friend Li would like to live here.
Li would like to say, "I know the situation that people are called men of courage. They give benefits to others, and their reputation is famous in the world. In one case, in the imperial court, (he) appoints and dismisses officials and assists the son of heaven in issuing government decrees; Outside the imperial court, flags were set up, bows and arrows were displayed, guards shouted in front, attendants filled the road, and servants took what he needed and ran along the road.
(He) will be rewarded at will when he is happy, and punished at will when he is angry. People with outstanding talents gathered in front of him, saying that the ancients praised his great virtues today, and he was not bored. (His prostitute) has bent eyebrows, plump cheeks, clear voice, light posture, beautiful appearance and intelligent heart, and her thin skirt floats, and her long sleeves cover her face.
(His) concubines, with white powder on their faces and indigo thrush, live leisurely in the arranged houses, relying on their beauty and being jealous of other concubines' favor; Strive for beauty and seek his love. (This is) the behavior of a gentleman who is favored and appreciated by the son of heaven and has mastered contemporary power. I don't hate these things and avoid this situation. It's destiny takes a hand, and I can't get it by luck.
(In another case, he) lives in a poor and barren place, where he can climb high and look far, sit under a lush tree all day, and wash himself with clear water. The fruit collected from the mountains is sweet and edible: the fish and shrimp caught from the water are fresh and delicious. There is no fixed time for work and rest, just seeking stability and comfort.
It's better to be praised to your face than not to be slandered behind your back; There is nothing like not having worries in your heart, rather than enjoying yourself physically. Not bound by official position, nor punished by punishment. I don't understand the country's chaos control, nor do I ask about the rise and fall of officials. (This is) what a gentleman does that is not appreciated by the times, so I will do such a thing.
(There is another kind of person, he) waits on the door of dignitaries, runs on the road to power, wants to walk with his feet up but dares not walk, wants to speak but dares not speak, and is in a dirty and humble position without being ashamed. If he violates the criminal law, he will be punished, hoping to have a ten thousandth chance of success until he dies of old age and then stops (pursuing). Is such a person good or bad in being a person? "
after listening to Li Yuan's words, Changli Hanyu thought that he spoke with boldness of vision, poured wine with him and wrote a song for him. The lyrics said, "In the valley, it is your palace. The soil of Pangu can be used to grow corn. The spring of Pangu can be washed and traced back. Who will fight for your residence in the face of difficulties? The valley is tortuous and deep, and the vast expanse can accommodate it; Pangu bends around and goes forward but returns to its original place. "
"Happy Pangu, happy without center; Tigers and leopards stay away, dragons hide; Guardian of ghosts and gods, it's ominous to ban. Eat and drink, live a long and healthy life; There's nothing unsatisfied. What do you expect? Refuel my axle, feed my horse with feed, and follow you to Pangu, where I will wander freely all my life. "
Preface to Send Li Yuan to Pangu is a gift preface written by Han Yu, a writer in Tang Dynasty, to his friend Li Yuan.
writing background
Han Yu went to the imperial capital at the age of 18 in the second year of Zhenyuan (786), and was not awarded four doctors until he was 34 in the eighteenth year of Zhenyuan (82). In these ten years, the official career has not been smooth. He took the exam four times, until Zhenyuan was eight years old, before he was admitted to the Jinshi. However, he took the official department's erudite macro-word exam three times in a row, but he was not selected, so he was not awarded an official position.
He was eager to be an official. In the spring of the eleventh year of Zhenyuan, he wrote to the Prime Minister three times in a row, asking for official promotion, but all of them were ignored. I had to work in Bianzhou and Xuzhou shogunate successively, and I was depressed. In the seventeenth year of Zhenyuan (81), he went to the capital to seek an official position. Han Yu's seeking for an official position is not only to get food and clothing, but more importantly, to realize his wish to save the world.
He said in "A Travel Book with Wei": "A servant's heart may or may not pay attention to this (referring to food and clothing), and those who don't forget the progress of the scholar will also follow his ambition." This preface to sending Li to Pangu was written by him after he went to the capital at the age of 33 in the seventeenth year of Zhenyuan. At that time, he failed to seek an official position, and he was depressed and full of complaints. Therefore, in this article, there is an unexpected sigh and a voice of injustice.