What is the word Shangbaixiagu?

Font is the external form feature of text. It is the style of writing, the coat of writing. The artistry of fonts is reflected in its perfect external form and rich connotation. Fonts are the carrier of culture and the epitome of society. The font of the microcomputer system. This type of font is a must-use font for your computer and exists in the "fonts" folder. Fonts are designed manually. Typefaces don't grow from trees or emerge from the ground; they are designed - that is, drawn or constructed - by individual type designers. These designers often labor in obscurity, but their work is used by us every day. Type design is a constant dialogue between technological constraints and human reading needs. In the days of movable metal type, each character would need to be embedded into a solid metal plate.

"Glyph" refers to the shape of a single character (letter, Chinese character, symbol, etc.). The so-called "typeface" and "font" are proper terms in the fields of typography and calligraphy. Non-professionals in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Mainland China, Europe and the United States cannot distinguish between "typeface" and "font" as professional terms. A font refers to a set of fonts with the same style and size; a typeface is a collection of one or more fonts in one or more sizes. There is no universal translation for typeface and font in various Chinese usage areas. Mainland China's national standard (GB/T 16964.1-1997, the official translation of international standards) translates typeface as "font name" and font as "font style". Taiwanese professionals also translate typeface as "font". Generally, typeface can be translated as "font" and font as "font". Seal script, official script, Yan style, regular script, cursive script, Song style, Song style, Hei style, etc. are each a collection of many fonts of a certain similar style (also called "calligraphy"), rather than one font. The regular script written by the two calligraphers can be called two fonts; Song style has fonts such as Zhongyi Song style and Xinxi Ming style on the computer.