Ecclesiastes 3:2 Where there is life, there is death; Sometimes you plant, sometimes you pull out what you plant;
Ecclesiastes 3:3 Sometimes killing people, sometimes curing diseases; Sometimes it is demolished, sometimes it is built;
Ecclesiastes 3:4 sometimes cries and sometimes laughs; Sometimes mourning, sometimes dancing;
Ecclesiastes 3:5 Sometimes throwing stones, sometimes piling stones; Sometimes hug, sometimes don't hug;
Ecclesiastes 3:6 Find time and lose time; Sometimes conservative, sometimes abandoned;
Ecclesiastes 3:7 is sometimes torn and sometimes mended; Sometimes silence, sometimes words;
Ecclesiastes 3:8 Love sometimes and hate sometimes; Sometimes there is war, sometimes there is peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:9 So, what good is the labor of the doer?
Ecclesiastes 3: 10 I saw that God made the world toil and trained them in it.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1 1 God created all good things at the right time and placed eternal life in the hearts of the world. However, people can't understand what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3: 12 I know this world, Mo Qiang, is like a lifelong joy and kindness.
Ecclesiastes 3: 13 and everyone eats and drinks and enjoys happiness in all his labor, which is also a gift from God.
Ecclesiastes 3: 14 I know that everything God does is eternal, neither adding nor subtracting. God did this to make people fear him.
Ecclesiastes 3: 15 The present has happened, the future has happened, and God brings the past back. (or "and God will find the past again").
Ecclesiastes 3: 16 I have seen evil in the place of judgment and evil in the place of justice under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 3: 17 I said in my heart that God will judge the righteous and the wicked, because there is a time for everything and all work.
Ecclesiastes 3: 18 I said in my heart, this is for the sake of the world, and God will test them and make them feel like animals.
Ecclesiastes 3: 19 Because what happens to the world and what happens to the beasts is the same. How this dies, how that dies, and breathing are all the same. People can't be better than wild animals, they are all vain.
Ecclesiastes 3:20 all go to one place, all from the dust, and all return to the dust.
Ecclesiastes 3:2 1 Who knows whether the soul of the Taoist priest went up to heaven or the soul of the beast went down to earth?
Ecclesiastes 3:22 Therefore, I saw Mo Qiang rejoicing in his affairs, because it was his portion. Who can bring him back and see what's behind him?